Introduction: 20 Units Instrument Rack From Ikea's Lack Tables
If you own rack equipment you know how expensive can be to buy a nice rack to stack them up...thats why this idea sparked in my mind...a rack with 20 units of space for my gear, with a nice wood look and for less than 30 bucks!!!
Step 1: What You Need...
You will need:
- 2 assembled Ikeas's Lack table...really cheap and you can chose the finish you like best!
- 2 braking and pivoting wheels
- 2 pivoting wheels
- 4 mounting brackets (mine were 2x6 cm, 8 holes)
- a bunch of wood screws about 1 cm long and fitting the holes in your brackets
Step 2: Fix the Wheels to the Top of First Table..
Fix the wheels by four wood screw for each one to the corner of the table top. Lack table is squared so it doesn't matter what side. Just keep in mind that braking wheels are going to be in the front size of your finished rack.
Step 3: Stack Up the Lacks and Make Your Rack
Turn your newly wheeled Lack and stack the second one over it feet to feet to build the basic structure of your rack. At the bottom of it you can see the bracket that will old them firmly together.
Step 4: Fix Them Together
Fix the feet of your tables together by brackets and wood screws paying attention to obtain the best alignment possible. The task is quite easily completed by lying your rack on its side.
Step 5: Stack Up Your Rigs!
You have it! Start stacking your computers, networks stuff, measure instrument, HAM radio rig, or like in my case, home studio stuffs...
Now you have your 20 units rack built in less than 1 hour and for less than 30 bucks!
Mine is just finished so it's a little bare bone...
Add all bells and whistles you like!
Now you have your 20 units rack built in less than 1 hour and for less than 30 bucks!
Mine is just finished so it's a little bare bone...
Add all bells and whistles you like!