Introduction: 2.4. Beds | Learn SelfCAD
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Interface
1.3. Navigation
1.4. Preferences
1.5. Workspace Settings
1.6. Environment Settings
2.1. Dollhouse project, part 1
2.2. Dollhouse project, part 2
2.3. Windows
2.4. Beds
2.5. Armchair & Sofa
2.6. Chairs & Table
3.1. 3D Print - Slicer interface
3.2. 3D Print - Settings
The house is ready so now we should furnish it. In this instructable I'm about to show you how you can easily model a bed.
Step 1: Base Shape
First, we want to model a bed. We still think about units like they were centimeters, not millimeters, so our bed should have dimensions 90x200.
Create a new project. You can use the cube which is already on the scene and scale (S) it to 90/60/200. Move (M) it do the center of the grid.
Step 2: Add a Cube
Add a cube with dimensions 60/0.1/50 and 10 segments for depth and width. From this cube we are going to model a pillow.
Step 3: Model a Pillow
In Deform you can find the Inflate tool (D+I). Choose it and use the circular part of gizmo to give the cube a nice shape of pillow. Change the gizmo position manually and use blue and red arrows to custom pillow's shape.
Step 4: Flatten the Pillow
Rotate (R) the pillow slightly.
Under the Inflate there is a tool named Flatten (D+L). Use it to make the bottom part of the pillow flat.
Step 5: Round Edges
Select all the top and side edges of the bed. Then from Modify drop-down list choose Round Object (M+R) tool and set its intensity and level to get the best shape. I think it looks good with intensity 6 and level 5.
Step 6: Add a Duvet
Add a cube again. Use Position and Rotation parameters to move the cube as in the picture and create a duvet. When it's in the right position, you can match its dimensions. I suggest to set the Width value to 95, Height to 15, and Depth to 170.
Step 7: Sculpting the Duvet
Use the Sculpting tool (S+A) to model the duvet.
After selecting the tool, you can see all its settings. In SelfCAD there are 10 brushes with their unique features. All of them have these options common:
- Symmetry - choose it if you want a symmetric sculpture
- Size - width of your brush
- Intensity - the strength of your brush
- Remesh - changes the number of faces of the object. In result, you can simplify the model or divide it into more regions depending on the Tolerance value
- Pattern - sets the shape of your brush. You can select none, square, skin or import your own image
For most of the brushes, you can also select if it should be positive or negative. Use negative brushes to sculpt holes.
Step 8: Move the Bottom Polygon Higher
Use polygon selection mode to select the bottom polygon of the bed and move it 20 units higher.
Step 9: Add Legs
Add a cylinder to the scene. Set its height to 20 and radius to 10. Move the cylinder to the desired position. Copy the leg and move the new object on the other side of the bed. Then, copy both legs and finish the bed.
Step 10: Copy the Bed
The first bed is ready. Now we can make a wider one. To do it, copy the first bed.
Step 11: Widen the Second Bed
The easiest way to make the bed wider is just scaling it, but we have rounded edges. Scaling would stretch the edges and they wouldn't look the same.
The second way is to select all the faces on the one side and move them all. This method deforms only faces in the middle. The problem is that sometimes selecting all small faces can be inconvenient. That's why I want to show you a useful solution to this problem - cube selection.
Use cube selection to select the right side of the second bed. Exact selection should be disabled. What is the difference? When the exact selection is turned off, only the faces that are entirely contained in the selection are selected. If it's turned on, the selection generates new edges, so you can use cube selection to cut an object.
Apply the selection and move it 90 cm right (Add 90 to X value). You can do the same with the duvet or just scale it in the X direction. If you used cube selection for the duvet, sculpt it again for a better look.
Step 12: Copy Pillow
Now we need the second pillow. You can simply copy the first one and move it where you want, or use Copy Offsets (T+O) and set position offset in the X direction to 90.
Move the legs 90 units right.
Step 13: Group Both Beds
Select all objects that form the first bed and group (Ctrl + G) them. Do the same with the second bed.
Step 14: Scale the Beds
Now our models are created on a scale of 1:10 because we drew them in centimeters. We want to print the whole model on a scale of 1:50, so we have to make it 5 times smaller. Select the models and use Scale. Remember to enable Keep Proportion.
Step 15: Next Lesson
The residents can sleep in their house. But I'm sure they really want to sit on the sofa and relax :)