Introduction: 3 Piece Cube Puzzle

About: A Learner !

I bought a similar 3 Piece Cube Puzzle from a science fair and trust me it was really fun... first learning to solve it and then puzzling others with it. But unfortunately, I misplace it while shifting my hostel room. So when I saw this contest, I thought it would be a good idea to build it using Tinkercad and 3D printer.

I'm fairly new to Tinkercad. In my last Instructables project(Find It Here), I used Ruler while designing. In this project, I tried to design without a Ruler just to C\challenge myself and sharpen my skills further.

Let's start!


  • Tinkercad
  • 3D Printer
  • Filaments of choice

Step 1: Cube Puzzle: Lower Part

  • Log in to your Tinkercad account and click 3D Designs (Left of your screen). Then click on Create New Design.
  • Keep the Workplane Snap Grid measurement to 1.0 mm (Bottom right of your screen).
  • Drag a solid Box shape from the Tinkercad Basic Shapes menu (Right of your screen) and drag it to the workplace and change its dimensions to 50mm X 10mm X 35m (L*B*H).
  • Now, place a solid Pyramind shape on top of the Box so that half part of its part is hanging outside the box(Refer Pic 1 and 2 above). The dimensions of the pyramid should be 30mm X 20mm X 15m (L*B*H).
  • Next Select two Hole(Opaque) Box, change its dimension and use them to cut the extra hanging parts of the pyramid(Refer Pic 3 and 4 above).
  • Group all the shapes together(Ctrl +G) to complete the Bottom part of the 3 piece cube puzzle.

Step 2: Cube Puzzle: Middle Part

  • Pull up a solid pyramid to the workplane. Use a hole Cube rotated around the Z-axis by negative 45 degrees to cut off the diagonal left half of the pyramid(Refer Pic 1 above).
  • Use another hole cube to cut off the vertical left half from the remaining pyramid(Refer Pic 2 above). Chane the dimensions of the remaining pyramid to 35mm X 35mm X 35mm(L*B*H).
  • Now, drag a sold Wedge shape and rotate it around Y-axis by negative 90 degrees and place it over the pyramid, 15mm above the workplane.
  • Group all the shapes together(Ctrl +G) to complete the Middle part of the 3 piece cube puzzle.

Step 3: Cube Puzzle: Top Part

  • For the Top part of the puzzle, drag a sold cube to the workplane and change its dimensions to 42mm X 42mm X 10 mm (L*B*H).
  • Now, pull a solid wedge and rotate it around Z-axis by negative 180 degrees and then change its dimensions to 8mm X 50mm X 10mm.
  • Pull another wedge and rotate it around Z-axis by negative 90 degrees and then change its dimensions to 50mm X 8mm X 10mm.
  • Place both the wedges on the sides of the cube as shown in picture 1 above.
  • Next, place a solid pyramid at the space between the two wedges as shown in picture 2 above.
  • Group all the shapes together(Ctrl +G) to complete the Top part of the 3 piece cube puzzle.

Step 4: Assembly & Puzzle Stand

Stack the 3 parts one above the other as shown in the first picture above and group them together to form the Puzzle.

For the Stand of this cube puzzle:

  • Pull in a sold Half Sphere to the workplane.
  • Then use a hole cube with dimensions 50mm X 50mm X 50mm. Now, rotate it around X-axis and then by Z-axis by 90 degrees. Place this hole cute on the half sphere(Refer pic 2 above) and then group them.

Step 5: The 3 Piece Cube Puzzle

Download the STL file and use favorite slicing software. Get hold of your favorite color filaments and print the 3 pieces of the puzzle.

The puzzle is ready to be solved.