Introduction: 3D Beaded Heart!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you how to make a 3D beaded heart

Step 1: Gather Materials

You will need:

1. 75 Beads

  • For this Instructable I'll be using purple beads
  • You can use a different color if you would like

2. String

  • Approximately 3.5/4 Ft.

- Fishing line (6/8 Lb.) works best for 3D projects as it is very strong and thin enough to pass through the beads multiple times

3. Scissors

4.Nail Polish

  • If you don't have any nail polish you can use a permanent marker as well
  • Red works best but any color will do

Step 2: Fold String in Half

1. Cut a piece of string

  • Approximately 3.5/4 Ft.
  • You want to make sure you have enough to finish the project without running out

2. Fold string in half

  • Make sure that both ends are even

3. Paint the left end of the string

  • Paint the string using nail polish or a permanent marker
  • Let it dry for a minute

Step 3: Make Circle #1

1. Put 4 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Hold both ends of the string even

4. Pull tightly to the center

Step 4: Make Circle #2

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Painted)

3. Pass the right end (Painted) through the second bead on the left end (Clear) in the opposite direction

4. Pull tightly to the center

Step 5: Make Circle #3

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Clear)

3. Pass the right end (Clear) through the second bead on the left end (Painted) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 6: Make Circle #4

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Painted)

3. Pass the right end (Painted) through the second bead on the left end (Clear) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 7: Make Circle #5

1. Put 3 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

  • Both ends of the string should now be on the right side

4. Turn the beads to the right so that both ends of the string are on the top

Step 8: Make Circle #6

1. Put 3 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 9: Make Circle #7

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next bead

Step 10: Make Circle #8

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 11: Make Circle #9

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 12: Make Circle #10

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

Step 13: Make Circle #11

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Clear)

3. Pass the right end (Clear) through the second bead on the left end (Painted) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 14: Make Circle #12

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Painted)

3. Pass the right end (Painted) through the second bead on the left end (Clear) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 15: Make Circle #13

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Clear)

3. Pass the right end (Clear) through the second bead on the left end (Painted) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 16: Make Circle #14

1. Put 3 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

  • Both ends of the string should now be on the same side

4. Turn the beads to the right so that both ends of the string are on the top

Step 17: Make Circle #15

1. Put 3 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next bead

Step 18: Make Circle #16

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 19: Make Circle #17

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 20: Make Circle #18

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 21: Make Circle #19

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next bead

Step 22: Make Circle #20

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next 2 beads

Step 23: Make Circle #21

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

Step 24: Make Circle #22

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Painted)

3. Pass the right end (Painted) through the second bead on the left end (Clear) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 25: Make Circle #23

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Clear)

3. Pass the right end (Clear) through the second bead on the left end (Painted) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

5. Fold the circle of beads you just added over

6. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 26: Make Circle #24

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 27: Make Circle #25

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 28: Make Circle #26

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next bead

Step 29: Make Circle #27

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the last bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 30: Make Circle #28

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

Step 31: Make Circle #29

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Painted)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Clear)

3. Pass the right end (Clear) through the second bead on the left end (Painted) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

Step 32: Make Circle #30

1. Put 2 beads on the left end (Clear)

2. Put 1 bead on the right end (Painted)

3. Pass the right end (Painted) through the second bead on the left end (Clear) in the opposite direction

4. Pull to the center

5. Fold the circle of beads you just added over

6. Pass the right end (Clear) into the next 2 beads

Step 33: Make Circle #31

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Painted)

2. Pass the right end (Clear) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

4. Pass the right end (Painted) into the next 2 beads

Step 34: Make Circle #32

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Clear)

2. Pass the right end (Painted) through the bead in the opposite direction

3. Pull to the center

Step 35: Make Circle #33

1. Put 1 bead on the left end (Painted)

2. Let the bead fall to the center

3. Pull the left end (Painted) over to the other side making sure that the bead you just added get pushed underneath the 2 beads that come to an upward point

4. Pass the Painted end into the next bead

  • You should now have 1 string on each side of the project

5. Put 1 bead on the Clear end

6. Pass the Painted end through the bead in the opposite direction

7. Pull to the center

  • Make sure to hold onto the project as you do this because it will move
  • You should now have both ends of the string through the same bead directly in the center of the heart

Step 36: Make Circle #34

1. Pass the Clear end into the next bead to the left

2. Flip the heart over

3. Pass the Painted end into the next bead to the right

4. Put 1 bead on the Painted end

5.Pull the Painted end over to the other side making sure that the bead you just added gets pushed underneath the 2 beads that come to an upward point

  • Now both ends of the string should be on the same side of the heart

6. Taking one side of the string in each hand, tie a knot

  • Make sure to pull as tight as you can without breaking the string

7. Tie one more knot to make sure that it is secure

8. Pass one end of the string into a couple of beads and cut it

9. Set the piece of string you cut off aside

10.Pass the other end of the string into a couple of bead and cut it

11. Set the piece of string you cut off aside

Step 37: Tie Off Loose Beads

1. Take one of the strings you just cut off

2. Pass one end of it into one of the 8 loose beads on the top of the heart

  • You should see 4 loose beads on the top left hand side of the heart and 4 loose beads on the top right hand side of the heart

3. Pass one end of the string into the next 3 loose beads

4. Tie a knot with the other end

  • Make sure to pull as tight as you can without breaking the string

5. Tie one more knot to make sure that is is secure

6. Pass one end of the string into a couple of beads and cut it

7. Pass the other end of the string into a couple of beads and cut it

8. Repeat 1-7 for the other side of the heart