Introduction: 3D Eiffel Tower With Laser Cuter
This is my first Instructable
hope you like it :)
Step 1: Find Model
First, we need to find a solid Eiffel Tower model. In picture, i use Thingiverse to get the model i want. You can use other site like GrabCAD or you can make one by yourself.
Step 2: "Slice" the Model
An easy and fast way to slice the model is using 123D Make from Autodesk. And it's free :)
Download and install it. Then open the app and following pictures.
Step 3: Add More Thing...
Now, let's open the .dxf file and add some stuff :)
1. Rearrange the layers
2. And create holder layers.
Step 4: Assemble and Finish.
Before cutting, remember to offset the line first to be sure it's fit together when assemble. My (left) one was failed so i had to add some glue to it :D
Hope you like it ;)