Introduction: 3D Letters in Papercraft (Easy to Make)
This instructables show easily to make letters in Papercraft in few minutes.
You need several things :
- The Puched Out Police created by Tobias Sommer
- A4 paper beetwen 180 to 220 grammes
- A printer
- Cutter
- Glue
- Word
Let's go !
Step 1: Step 1 : Download Punched Out Font and Install on Windows
To download the font, go on
Go here exactly :
and clic on download
To install it, extract the archive and keep the folder.
Open it.
You see a TTF file, keep this folder open, and open Computer > C:\ > Windows > Fonts
Copy, the TTF file, in the fonts folder.
Your police is installed.
See the pictures if you want.
Step 2: Step 2 : Make Your Words on Word
Open Word and create a new blank page.
Choose the punched out font and count one letter per page.
See the pictures to view the best parameters for one letter per page.
Then, saved your document.
You can to save in PDF file with word, thus, you can to make pages for friends if you want, and they don't need the police to print it. ^^
In this step, you can download one of my file, to create the Word X-MAX :)
And print your creation !
Step 3: Step 3 : Cut Out, and Glue It !
When you print it, you must to cut and glue all the letters of your word.
Be patient, and be careful...
Step 4: Step 4 : Done !
You're letters are done !
You can decorated it, paint it etc.