Introduction: 3D PUZZLE : RED EAGLE
Hi Makers,
If you have a 3D Printer, You can built this eagle. You, your child or someone will like it .
Step 1: What Is 3D Puzzle ?
Unlike traditional puzzles which are composed of series of flat pieces that when put together, create a single unified image, the Puzz 3D series of puzzles are composed on plastic foam, with part of an image graphed on a stiff paper facade glued to the underlying foam piece and cut to match the piece's dimensions.
Step 2: Pieces
We designed a 3D Puzzle. And we called it " RED EAGLE ".
This design has 56 pieces. You can see in pics. There is no need detaily.
Step 3: Let's Make a Puzzle
We will start with wings...
Step 4: WINGS
Our eagle has a big wings. You will see in pics.
Step 5: LEGS
and next legs.
Step 6: BODY
and now assembling body and tail
Step 7: Assembling Body and Legs
we are going next step...
Step 8: Last Details...
and now you are finished... Cong.
Step 9: FINALY
Thanks for Patience...
Have Fun....
Step 10: Files
You can download below files for your 3d Printer.
- parça1.STL
- parça2.STL
- Parça3.STL
- Parça4.STL
- Parça5.STL
- Parça6.STL
- Parça7.STL
- Parça8.STL
- Parça9.STL
- Parça12.STL
- Parça13.STL
- Parça14.STL
- Parça15.STL
- Parça16.STL
- Parça17.STL
- Parça18.STL
- Parça19.STL
- Parça20.STL
- Parça21.STL
- Parça22.STL
- Parça23.STL
- parça24.stl
- Parça25.STL