Introduction: [3D Print] Drawer Organizer
Well, I was looking at my untidy drawer when I realized my 3D printer had been powered off for about a week.
And then, next to the printer, all those rolls with less material than any decent print would need. Any good print but the ones I bring you here today!
This Instructable was designed to take all the remaining filaments and give them a good end of them life.
Each part takes only 8-14 minutes to print and about 2 grams, depending on the part.
In my case everything was made from remains of filaments and acrylic I had laying around, so the average cost was 1$.
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You don't need any specific part, except a 1.5~2mm thick plywood/acrylic.
Here you have the supplies I've used (AliExpress cheap International Links):
- SUNLU Orange PLA
- White Acrylic (select 2mm) - The amount will depend on your drawer size
And the tools needed:
- Ender 3 (My 3D printer) - It prints really good for the price
- Plastic cutter - You can use a regular cutter, but this works way better for the task
Step 1: 3D Print Your Parts
You can find all parts on my Thingiverse page:
How much of them do you need to print? It will depend on your Drawer size, the size of the walls you want, etc.
In my case, I've printed:
- 12x 4-Sides
- 4x 3-Sides
- 22x Side-End
- 2x Middle-Piece
As you can print them in batches of 6 - 8 easily, you could print them progressively and see how many extra you need as you build the structure.
Step 2: Cut Your Acrylic (Or Whatever Material You've Choosen)
In my case, I've selected to cut 6x6cm walls for the "Single Space" beakers, 6x13cm for the "Double Space" beakers and 6x20cm for the "Triple Space" beakers.
Did you noticed the extra centimetre that I've added to the double and triple space beakers? It is there because of the space the 3D printer parts add between the walls. So, if you want a 4-spaces beaker and your single space one measures 6x6cm, the formula would be something like: (6 + 1) x 4 - 1 [6 is original size, 4 the number of spaces and 1 for that extra centimetre and the -1 is because a single size beaker has no extra centimetre.]
Now, building steps are quite easy:
- Mark your material with the desired sizes (6x6, 6x13 or 6x20 in my case)
- If you use plywood or any other wood, cut it using a regular saw
- If you are using Acrylic or any other plastic, use a ruler as a guide and mark the Acrylic multiple times with the cutter, until the mark is deep enough (0.5~1mm?)
- Using the edge of the table, put your mark in the edge and using both your hands, bend gently the acrylic until it breaks following the guide you've made.
- Repeat the process for all the other marks until you have all the desired pieces.
Step 3: Assembly
And the final and more enjoyable step: Assembly everything together.
It's at easy as it seems: Just join them as a LEGO.
Use Side-End.stl to fit everything tight and firmly to the drawer.
Is a good idea to use joining parts on top and bottom to give it some better stability.
Step 4: Done!
That everything!
Now your drawer looks nicer than ever, and all those little pieces are perfectly organized!
You can even put other things on top and use more efficiently the vertical space.
Enjoy :)