Introduction: 3D Printable Student Debt Craftivism
Before you start:
This is an instructable on how to create a design for a 3D printed model that interprets the problem of student debt.
----------Before You Begin-----------
Materials Needed:
- Access to 3D printer
- Laptop
- Glue
- Paperclip
- Access to Tinkercad
- A Tinkercad Account
- Some knowledge/familiarity on using Tinkercad and its components
Design Process should take about one hour
Printing Process should take a little over two hours. (Production time may vary)
Part Production Times
Chain: 7min. 14 sec.
Ball: 27 min. 1 sec.
Balloon: 21 min. 14 sec.
Graduation Cap: 8 min. 21 sec.
Graduate Student Model: 1 hr. 6 min. 5 sec.
Step 1: Find 3D Model of a Person
1. First, find a 3D model of a person to use. You can use almost any model, but you should put in consideration the complexity and size. I would recommend using the model from If you use this model, unzip the folder and import the file named “man_standing_6” to Tinkercad.
2. While using the ruler, modify the dimensions of the person so that it is 19.05mm (length) by 31.75mm (width) by 101.6mm (height). The size may vary if you use a different model for the person.
3. Select the cylinder shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane. Change the dimensions to 11mm (length) by 11mm (width) by 2.6mm (height). Place the cylinder around the person's right ankle so it looks like a shackle.
4. Select the box shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane. Change the dimensions to 18mm (length) by 18mm (width) by 10mm (height). Turn the box into a hole. Rotate the box by 22.5 degrees both horizontally and vertically. Place the box on the head of the person.
5. (Optional) To make it more clear that the person is a college graduate, Put a University symbol on his chest. I would recommend that you go to and download all files. Unzip the folder. Import the file named “Purdue_P” to Tinkercad. Change the dimensions to 1.6mm (length) by 1mm (width) by 5mm (height). Place the object in the front of the person's chest so it sticks out by 1mm.
6. Group all of the objects together.
7. 9. Save this file as an “STL” file labeled “figure” in preparation for printing
Step 2: Make Hat
1. In the Tinkercad creation space, look to the right side of your screen where the shapes are shown
2. Select the “half sphere” shape and drag it into your work plane
3. Next, select the “box” shape and drag it into your work plane
4. Make sure you have the ruler icon on the right of your screen selected
5. Select the “box” shape. Using the ruler, change the dimensions of the box to 22mm (length) by 22mm width by 2mm (height).
6. Select the “half sphere” shape. Using the ruler, change the dimensions of the box to 11 mm (length) by 11 mm (width) by 5.67 mm (height).
7. Rotate the half sphere to where the flat side is facing downwards
8. Now drag the box and lower either side down flush to the half sphere’s round surface
9. Save this file as an “STL” file labeled “hat” in preparation for printing
Step 3: Make Ball
1. Select the sphere shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane.
2. Change the size to 25.4mm by 25.4mm by 25.4mm.
3. Select the tube shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane. Change the size of it to 6mm by 2mm by 6mm. Rotate it 90 degrees vertically. Move the tube so the top half of the tube is outside the top of the sphere and the bottom half is inside the sphere.
4. Select the cylinder shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane. Change the size of it to 7mm by 2.5mm by 7mm. Rotate it 90 degrees vertically. Move the cylinder so part of it is outside of the side of the ball.
5. group all of the parts together.
6. Save this file as an “STL” file labeled “ball” in preparation for printing
Step 4: Make Balloon
1. Select the egg shape from featured shapes and drag it to the workplane.
2. Change the size to 16.65mm by 16.65mm by 22.2mm and rotate it vertically 180 degrees.
3. Select the cone shape from basic shapes and drag it to the workplane. Change the size of it to 2mm by 2mm by 3mm. Move the cone so it is positioned under the upside down egg while only slightly inside of it.
4. group all of the parts together.
5. Rotate it 180 degrees vertically again so it will print better.
6. Save this file as an “STL” file labeled “balloon” in preparation for printing
Step 5: Make Chain
Download the zip file for the chain links we used from, extract the contents to a folder. In Tinkercad, click import (screenshot) and drag the .stl file from the extracted archive over to Tinkercad to upload it. You most likely will have to wait a few seconds to be able to edit what you just imported. Be sure not to resize during import.
Change snap grid to 0.1mm.
Resize the chainlink so it is 11.16mm (length), 3.31mm (width), and 3.5mm (height).
Duplicate the resized link 3 times, you should have 4 total objects now.
Move the links carefully so that they form a large chain.
Duplicate an individual link once more.
Position a box hole inside your new link so that only a half circular part of the link is outside the box.
Group the two objects, you should have only the half circular part left over.
Duplicate this object.
Position the half circular parts of a link at each end of the chain.
Use your mouse to highlight all individual chain objects and group them once you are satisfied with your chain.
Step 6: Print
1. Enure your 3D printing device is properly setup and and ready for use.
2. Place PLA plastic into the work platform of 3D printer. Use a printer that is able to print a 6x6 inch piece of plastic. (Plastic used should be 6x6 inches. Also keep in mind we will be printing every piece separately.)
3. Import file from slicing program into printing program.
4. For the Man piece, you want to ensure your print procedure is set to print the man laying on its back to allow a better printing result.
5. Initiate printing.
6. Repeat steps a through c for other pieces. (adjust printing procedure accordingly)
Step 7: Assemble
There are many different ways to assemble this object, but this is how we chose to assemble ours.
1.Trouble shoot your Print ( trim any loose pieces of plastic, sand down rough edges with sand paper, cut off support material.
2. Take man and place him standing on a table.
3. Take hat and place glue on the flat circle side.
4. Attach chain using small amount of glue to the bottom of the ankle where the cylinder is and place the chain into the glue.
5. Attach the ball to the end of the chain the same way it was attached to the ankle.
6. Use a small paper clip and put it through the loop on the ball, then using pliers tighten the paper clip so that it stays in place.
7. Use a small pick and make a hole in the bottom more narrow side of the balloon and place the other end of the paper clip into the whole.
8. Then put a small amount of glue around the paperclip on the balloon to secure it.