Introduction: 3D Printed Dice

The materials you will need for this project are

-A Computer

-A 3D Printer


-Autodesk or Tinkercad

Step 1: Step One

Open up autodesk and select new part or part. Select sketch and press rectangle. It will then tell you to choose a plane. Choose the XY plane. Then make a 1in by 1in square. After that go to 3D model and extrude it into a 1x1x1 cube.

Step 2: Step Two

Then make a 1in by 1in square. After that go to 3D model and extrude it into a 1x1x1 cube.

Step 3: Step Three

Go back onto sketch and select circle and make a circle on the top. Then dimension it to the middle of the cube. After that press finish sketch and go to extrude and extrude in .1 inches. Do this on all sides of the cube to make the numbers of the dice.

Step 4:

The next step is to round the corners. You can do this by going to 3D model and clicking fillet and keep it on .125. Once its on that click all the edges and press the check mark when you are done. Now you are ready to print the dice just save it onto your flash drive and you're good to go.