Introduction: 3D Printed Folding Phone Stand

In this Instructable I am going to show you how to create a 3D printed folding phone stand which can be used with different phones varying from a Nokia Brick to a shining new Iphone 6. The phone stand is made from ABS Plastic through a UP printer and the inner packaging is made using high impact polystyrene. The outer packaging is made from polypropylene.

Using 3D Printing can help design and build things that were never imaginable before. A bit 'cough cough' like this phone stand which has a novelty element of fun but if functional along with a built in charger cable hole.

I am not going to actually include my solidworks drawing as you should have your own ideas and inspiration.

Step 1: Step 1: the Ideas

I started out with an ideas page to put across all my ideas and evaluate them.

To do this I did a quick sketch of my phone in solidworks and then changed the lines into a sketch format. Once printed out I began the work of ideas. Using a blue pencil, I sketched different drawing and evaluated them in my head for example the tall one in the left had corner is to high and unnecessary.


3D Printer and Printer plastic

High Impact Polystyrene



Step 2: Step 2: Orthographic Projection of Phone

To help me get my sizes on solidworks I did a 2D Orthographic Projection using the software V2 2D Design which can be found here:

The programme is simple and you can be a master within minutes

So, I began by taking my measurements and doing a rough sketch on paper, I then transferred this onto the programme and began to make it more realistic by adding the buttons and charger holes etc.

Step 3: Step 3: Modelling

One of the most essential parts of designing is making a model, I used Styrofoam to bring my ideas to reality. Using Styrofoam is very useful as it allows you to test out your different ideas and also make changes to them.

I began by taking a block of Styrofoam and using a saw to cut a small piece around 150mm by 60mm I then took craft knifes, files and saws to begin to make by prototype phone stand.

Once finished again, I took photos and then drew ontop of them to add more ideas.

Step 4: Step 4: Solidworks

Now begins the difficult part, Using your foam model, check your phone fits, then start to draw it up on solidworks I started by drawing the bottom of the model using the same dimensions the extruded the base upwards, this gave me a good base to edit and change to my foam model.

Once you have finished its time to print!

I used a UP small 3D printed which I was allowed to use. Although this did affect the size my stand could be, so I had to change my drawing sizes, and cut down on material.

Step 5: Step 5: the 'nearly' Finished Product

Once I had finished the printing, it was ready!

The stand worked well and fulfilled all expectations.

Step 6: Step 6: Packaging

As I wanted the product to be as well presented as possible, I made packaging.

This is done by initially making a tray for the stand to go into, this is done by opening up the phone stand in solidworks then creating a contour of around 3mm then extrude this upwards and hollow it out, this leaves you with the tray. This is then to be CNC routed and then vacuum formed, leaving you with a plastic tray made from high impact polystyrene.

The outer packaging is made from polypropylene and is made by drawing up the net on V2 2D Design. Printing this out then cutting out of the plastic.

Step 7: Step 7: Evaluation

I evaluated my phone stand, see sheets.

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