Introduction: 3D Printed Golden Snitch

About: Mechanical engineer, Colorado State University alumni, and member of Alamance Makers Guild.

(Provided file does not have VT logo)

Shortly after getting my 3D printer, I needed to get my older sister a birthday present. Knowing that she's a huge Harry Potter fan, I decided to replicate one of the most iconic, and smallest, items from the series. To make the snitch more unique, I added the Virginia Tech logo to the front, because the only thing my sister likes more than Harry Potter is her alma mater.

The snitch file in this Ible does not have the VT logo in order to make the snitch more universal and avoid any copyright laws. I know little to nothing about copyright laws, but I prefer to stay away from them as much as I can.

Step 1: Print the Snitch and Wings

Two options for this step.

  1. Download the attached STLs, add any emblem, and print the parts on your personal 3D printer.
  2. (Recommended) Visit my Shapeways store, Dan's Additive Goods, to get the parts professionally printed in the correct materials. I make a grand total of $1.75 on the parts, so I'm not angling for a pay day off these things.

Step 2: Paint and Assemble

With the help of

  • a modest paint stand
  • a thin paint brush
  • Antique Gold acrylic paint

you can bring the snitch to life. Be careful not to dunk the snitch in paint because you may lose some of the detail and probably fill the inside with liquid gold.

Step 3: Optional Finishes

  1. You may notice that there is a hole on the bottom of the snitch. You might think this is for cleaning the print, but it's actually to allow the snitch to be mounted on a stand. I have not made a stand (yet) but if you'd like to beat me to it, feel free.
  2. The snitch was hollowed to reduce the material and cost of printing, but it leaves the whole thing a little light. One creative solution I've seen for this is to fill the snitch with hot glue. Using the hole on the bottom again, you can fill the inside cavity and give your snitch the proper heft it deserves.
    1. The hot glue is likely to clog the holes for the wings. To fix this, simply run a small diameter drill through the part. It should feed very smoothly.

Step 4: Life Size Snitch

Thanks so much for the support everyone. I can't tell you how excited I was to see this featured!

All of this positive energy pushed me to do even more with this. I finished up a file yesterday of the snitch modeled life-size. All you need now is a Nimbus 2000.

I successfully printed this model on my Cube 2 printer in glow-in-the-dark blue PLA. If you print it at home, let me know how it comes out.

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