Introduction: 3D Printed Jenga Box and Block Stacker
I wanted a way to store my Jenga blocks. At the same time, the box could be used as a stacking tool to help you align and get a perfect stack every time.
Step 1: Sketchup
I designed it in Sketchup into multiple parts since my 3D printer can't print something that big.
Step 2: Print
So I used a Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer to do the printing. I printed it using 1.75mm ABS filament. I printed it at 0.2 layer height for a better finish. 0.4 layer height probably would've been faster. So I'd recommend that.
Step 3: Putting It Together
The box is made of 3 pieces glued together. You can use super glue but I would recommend using acetone since it fuses ABS together really well. It's almost like a weld.
Step 4: Strengthen
Again if you're using ABS, it's a good idea to strengthen your parts by brushing a light coat of acetone over the whole print. It'll melt and create a shell over the many layers making it really strong.
Step 5: Stack
Stack your bricks in the new box. It keeps them organized and ready for the next game.
Step 6: Perfect Stack
The box can be used to align your stack so it's perfect every game. Just tilt it upside down and slowly lift the box up to reveal a perfect stack.
Check out my video to see it in action.