Introduction: 3D Printed Sunglasses (Wayfarer Style)
A 3D Printed Sunglasses
Summer is coming
Step 1: Material
Material List:
3D Printer
3D Filament
A Sunglasses (For the lenses and the hinges)
Hair dryer
Small Screwdriver
Soldering Iron
Step 2: Files
Step 3: Printing the Parts
First we need to have the parts of the printed sunglasses, for that, we need to print them.
We need 2 files, the frame and the temple, we can use the FreeCad files to export them to our favourite file extension or maybe we can use the STL files.
I'm going to use Cura like slicer software and a Prusa i3 SingleFrame.
1 - Load the STL files
2 - Multiply the Temple
3 - Make mirror for one temple file
4 - The quality settings
0.4mm Nozzle
0.15mm layer height
45mm/s speed
5 - Wait 2 Hours and 10 minutes
Step 4: Prepare the Sunglasses
Time to enjoy.
1 - Heat up the soldering iron
2 - Unscrew the hinges screws
3 - Using the soldering iron we are going to extract the hinges from the temples and the frame
4 - Extract the lenses, be careful with this step
Step 5: Printed Parts Time
Using our hair dryer and time.
1 - Heat up the main frame
2 - Insert the lenses (maybe you need to heat up more than one time) one by one, not need to run with this process
3 - The frame and the lenses have a little curvature
4 - Correct this curvature using the other frame like "mold"
5 - Same procedure for the temples
Step 6: Screw Them
First we need to insert the hinges in our printed parts
1 - Heat up the soldering iron
2 - Put the hinges in the holes and wait
3 - Screw again the hinges