Introduction: 3D Printed Webcam Controller

The camera controller box is an easy way to rotate a webcam from a PC or remotely through the internet.

Step 1: Materials and 3D Files

In this project I used a Teensy 2.0 micro-controller since it was available, but you can use any other MCU like an ATtiny85 or an atmega328. The servo model number is S9001.
I designed a place for a weight on the base part, in order to prevent vibrations and to keep the camera from falling off while it rotates.
The servo adaptor part is based on thing:19940.

Step 2: Printing and Assembling - Base

The first part that you need to print is the base part since everything else is connected to it.
If you have a weight (or made one to fit the print) use screws to screw the print to the base. 

Step 3: Screw Mounts

Print the screw mounts, as you can see there are several different ones, so make sure to place them in the right positions.
Cut small pieces of filament and push them into the holes. They will help you align the screw mounts and keep them in place
while you apply some superglue to them.

Step 4: Placing the Servo in Place

Place the servo motor in place and screw it in.

Step 5: Servo Adaptor

Push the nut into the adaptor and glue it with a few drops of superglue.
Assemble the adaptor to the servo accessory.

The screw is used to mount the camera to the box so you should use a screw with a gripper to make it easy to mount. 

Step 6: Placing All Together

Solder the Teensy board to the PCB according to the attached schematic.

To program the Teensy you will need the PWMServo library.
Download the attached file and upload it with Arduino IDE.

Step 7: Final Result

The only thing left to do is to mount the camera and run the control software.
Use the keyboard right and left keys to rotate the camera and the up and down keys to change the speed.