Introduction: 3D Printing Filament Spool Holder Made Out of Spool's Box
This is probably one of the easier-to-make filament holders you can find out there, and you will most likely have everything you need in an arm's reach.
It's compact, you can stack multiple of them on one another, and almost every part you're using is being put to good use, instead of being thrown away.
This holder won't only hold your spool in a compact, rectangular container, it will also keep it in a better condition due to the box being semi air-sealed, so the filament absorbs less of the air's humidity.
Step 1: Get All the Parts
I promise you, every part you will need for the build is currently somewhere in your home. If not, just find an alternative.
you will need:
- The box your filament came in (If it didn't come in a box, you can find a box the right size with a little effort)
- A skewer The thicker type is stronger, but you can use the thinner ones too)
- 2 Empty match boxes (You can use anything, if it fits well enough in the spool's middle hole)
- Translucent tape, and scissors
- A ruler and a pen
Step 2: Find the Match Box's Center
Match boxes are perfect for the kind of spools that I have, because they're just the right size and they're sturdy enough to hold the spool on the skewer without moving way too much.
Mark the center of both sides on the two boxes.
Step 3: Punch Holes Through the Match Boxes
As the titles says, punch a hole through the center of the box. I used a pin to make an initial hole, so it would be easier the make the hole bigger using the skewer.
After you've made the initial hole, put the skewer in it and rotate it back and forth until the hole is big enough for the skewer to slide through the box and reach the other side.
Repeat for all sides of the match boxes.
Step 4: Fitting the Boxes
Now it's time to take out the spool you'll be storing in the box. You'll most likely not take it out of the box again, unless you have to.
Take your match boxes, and push them into the big hole in the center of the spool. It might be a little hard and the boxes might end up a little bent, but it's impossible to push the boxes in without bending their corners.
Step 5: Sealing the Box's Hole
If your box doesn't have a hold on it's side, you can skip this step. If it does have a hole, i recommend sealing it.
The box my filament came in had a 7x4 cm hole in the center of one side, so I sealed it with a little bit of translucent sticky tape. You could leave the hole open, but sealing it with a little bit of tape will make the entire box a better environment for keeping your filament in a good condition.
You can use any type of tape, but with the translucent kind you can still see the color of the filament without opening the box.
Step 6: Marking the Center of the Box
Get your ruler and pen out, and mark the center of both sides of the box. Just like you've done with the match boxes, push the skewer through the center marks to make a hole exactly the right size.
Step 7: Putting Everything Together
All you have to do now, is to take the spool and put it in the box. Now, lift it up just a little bit, so the holes on the match boxes will be the same height as the ones on the box itself. Gently push the skewer through the holes, and try not to damage anything. It should slide right out of the other side.
Step 8: Final Fixes
This stop is optional, but recommended. To make everything look cleaner and tidier, cut the skewer down to size, so that there will be only 1 cm sticking out of the box.
You can also make a small hole anywhere on the box, and pull the filament out of there. You can also just leave the box open and pull the filament from the top.