Introduction: 3D Printing Geoscience

PaleoPrint is a very young but innovative 3D printing idea within the Geo-science industry. We are a unique service that provides fossil replica models, 3D Printed terrain and rock pore fluid simulation to educational and research institutions

How do I do it?

Using our ZPrinter 310 Plus 3D printer we can achieve millimetric precision needed for the replication of fossilized specimens, using over 30 years of CAD experience we have perfected the process in which it takes to produce faultless prints. We are expanding our technology and the materials we use, we are aiming to produce our products cheaper and better to institutes across the UK.


Huge one, ZPrinter 310 Plus has very unique ink cartridges which have been discontinued by a vast amount of supplier. These components are very hard to come by these days which is why a a new printer would be priceless to me!

PaleoPrint - 3D Printed Fossils

So far our team has focused on developing the smaller more detailed fossils that are not necessarily rare or hard to find but demand the most precision and detail from our 3D printer. These fossils aren't the most impressive but they have set us up so we can deliver the same results in the much larger fossils. We have a small selection of fossils that we have scanned and printed with great success with ambition to expand this range is the future.

Why is 3D printing better than plaster casting?

3D printing has numerous advantages over the original methods of plaster casting fossils. Here are a few

  • Superior detail and accuracy
  • 3D scanning vastly reduces the handling of specimen fossils.
  • 3D files can be sent from the excavation site through portable scanning - No need for transporting plaster casts from different countries
  • The study of dinosaur movement has thus far been a 'no go' area of paleontology, since trying to turn a 80 ton plaster replica of a giant sauropod into a moving robot is a little bit difficult!

PaleoPrint- 3D Rock Pores

The study of fluid mechanics in rock pores through 3D printing is a new and exciting form of research. By 3D scanning geological surfaces we can print them at magnification to easily study the movement of fluids such as oil and gas through the lithology at question.

This research could potentially change practices in fracking and various Oil & Gas extraction techniques. By understanding the geology at each extraction point the optimum amount of resources can be obtained at lesser costs.

PaleoPrint- 3D Printed Terrain
3D Terrain mapping is new innovative practice in surveying. Through the use of GIS software 3D terrain can be generated for use in land surveying and geological mapping. 3D printed terrain can be used for cross section study, to aid geological students in observing and understanding geological mapping and the dipping of bedding planes and fault lines.

3D Printing Contest

Participated in the
3D Printing Contest