Introduction: 3D Printing (HE3D K280 Dual) X Repetier Host & Slic3r
This is a tutorial for using HE3D K280 Dual with Repetier Host and Slic3r. The basic steps will be shown to help you print out the models with 3D printer.
以下為3D 打印機 (型號:HE3D K280 Dual) 及 操作軟件 Reqetier Host & Slic3r 的使用教學。
Step 1: Have a Brief Concept on 3D Printing 了解3D打印的基本概念
Before you print, it is better to have a basic concept on 3D printing so as to 1) enhance the quality of print, 2) prevent the known issues and 3) lower your cost, especially the time cost.
I found this video "3D Printing: 13 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Started" created by LRN2DIY very helpful, and the following is the #1-12 issues listed by YouTube user Vailiant.
* Revised version:
- Leveling the printing bed 2:40
- Print on Glass 5:23
- Make it Stick 8:00
- Rafts brims and skirts 9:46
- Understanding support 12:25
- Octopi 15:18
- Keeping an eye on things 16:38
- Materials Matter 18:45
- Have a little help from your friends 23:44
- Ironing 25:18
- Print profiles 26:50
- Slicing matters 28:00
在進行3D打印之前,可先了解3D打印的基本概念和注意事項 (3D Printing: 13 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Started),從而提升1) 打印質素、2) 節省材料及時間成本、3) 避免發生常見問題 。
- Leveling the printing bed 2:40
- Print on Glass 5:23
- Make it Stick 8:00
- Rafts brims and skirts 9:46
- Understanding support 12:25
- Octopi 15:18
- Keeping an eye on things 16:38
- Materials Matter 18:45
- Have a little help from your friends 23:44
- Ironing 25:18
- Print profiles 26:50
- Slicing matters 28:00
Step 2: Prepare Your Model 準備3D打印的立體圖 (.stl File)
.stl file is your 3D object file
Beware of the hanging part and decide whether you need to generate support or slightly change the design of your model for better result.
.stl檔案 是立體模型的檔案格式
1. 更改立體圖放置方向。
2. 在使用 操作軟件 Repetier-Host 進行切割模型 (Slicer) 時增加支撐 (Support)。
3. 更改設計。
Step 3: Open Software to Connect Printer 開啟操作軟件連接 3D 打印機
FYI, the firmware of the printer is Repetier.
(If you are using the laptop settled in the space, Repetier-Host has already been installed and the icon could be found on the desktop. Then, click "Connect" for sending/getting the data to/from the printer.)
3D 打印機 (HE3D K280 Dual) 的操作軟件 (固體 Firmware) 是 Repetier。
Step 4: Add Object 添加物件檔案
- Add the .stl file in the interface "Add Object"
- 按 Add Object 添加物件檔案到Repetier
Step 5: Choosing Extruder to Print 選擇打印噴頭
You can choose 1/2 extruder to print out the object.
For dual-color models, you may need to use slic3r to export G-code file for better handling.
*further tutorial on dual-color print will be published
可選擇 噴頭 1 或 2 來打印你的物件
如需要雙色打印,你可能需要另外開啟Slic3r來匯出G-code file 方便列印。 (將會有另一個使用雙色列印的教學)
Step 6: Slice the Model to G-code 切割模型成為G-code
The printer requires G-code to run the printing process. I'm using Slic3r here as the slicer.
You may download the setting pack for your reference.
- Slicer : Slic3r
- Print / Printer / Extruder (s) Setting has already set in the laptop of the center
Default setting:
- Build-plate Support Only
- with Heatbed
- with Brim
- infill 10% - check if support is needed for the hanging parts or override the setting of slic3r
3D打印機是閱讀G-code指令進行打印,因此必須先切割模型 (Slice) 把.stl file 轉變為 .nc file 才能進行打印。
你可在此下載及直接使用 3D打印的預設包 setting pack。
*** 請注意,如立體圖有懸空部份,可按圖示增加支撐固定模型 ***
Step 7: Ready to Print
By clicking Print, the printer will be started and the nozzle will go to a lower position starting heating the bed and filament.
按Print後,3D打印機會開始運作,底部平面 (俗稱熱床) 及 噴頭 會開始加熱至適當溫度,會開始由底層開始逐層打印。
Step 8: Further Reference : Full Support / Build-plate Support - Setting in Slic3r
This step could be skipped if you are ok with the setting package.
You can enable full support to your model, rather than build-plate support only.
- Edit the setting of Support in Slic3r
- Open Slic3r
- Printer Setting
- tick "Generate Support Material"
- untick "Support on Build Plate Only"
- Save
Step 9: Further References
Enhance Printing Quality
Troubleshooting Guide from Simplify3d
YouTube Channel about 3D Print
3D Printing Nerd
Maker's Muse