Introduction: 3D Printed Fountain

Do you want a new fountain in your room? This one is perfect!

Step 1: Components

For this project, you need only a few parts:

A flowerpot

a small pump

some 3D printed parts

If you don't know wich flowerpot is the right, check the stl file Becken.stl. I drawed it in 3D.

You can choose every pump you want, but don't take a too big one. If you use a very strong pump, maybe the water will leave the flowerpot.

Step 2: 3D Printed Parts

Here are the stl. files for this fountain. The assembly should by easy. If you have some questions feel free to ask, I'm happy when I can help you.

Unusual Uses Challenge

Participated in the
Unusual Uses Challenge

3D Printing Contest

Participated in the
3D Printing Contest

Home Automation

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Home Automation