Introduction: 3d Printed 3d Printer Soviengneir / Toy
Have you ever thought that 3D printers were cool well i do. today you will be learning how to make a 3D printer model. but first the materials.
- you will need some internet or data (best if it is unlimited )
- a computer or apple tablet ( with relatively fast speeds [ or else this will take longer ] )
- if using a windows computer open the game bar ( windows logo + g) to see how fast the computer speed is.
- if on a tablet ( must be an iPad tinker-cad is not available on google play or Samsung store. ) download Tinkercad
- if on a computer go to
- once on Tinkercad sign in to it or creat an account or you can use a shortcut with google, Auto desk, or apple
- and a 3D printer ( if you want to print it )
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT USING A 3D PRINTER SO I SKIPED SOME PARTS BUT, I will show you how to assemble it in Tinkercad.
Step 1: The Parts
So first before we begin IDO NOT HAVE A 3D PRINTER but, we are making it in tinkercad.
So first the beams ( put your snap grid in mm ).
- two 320 long 20 wide 20 high beams
- two other 280 long 20 wide 20 high beams
Now the L bracket.
- take a 60 long 40 high 40 wide beam and lay it flat
- then take another 60 long 40 high 40 wide beam and rotate it 90 degrees
- then take a 60 long 20 high 20 wide beam and make it a hole from the part info in the top right corner
- raise it up 5 mm high using the spear arrow ( make sure it is center )
- do this again just rotate it 90 degrees ( yes, still raise it 5 mm up )
- then merge it all by selecting it all and pressing Ctrl + g
next the 3D space bracket
First :
copy and paste the L bracket then take a 20 high 20 long 20 wide beam ( implie that i am using a box unless it says otherwise. ) make it a hole and raise it 5 mm put half it on the back left and the other half on the back right ( it should not cut through the back wall [ this is for simplicity ] ) then, ( Ctrl + c then Ctrl + v ) 2 times ( sorry the L bracket is literally just for making other parts ) then put them together rotate one 90 degrees, merge.
Step 2: Even More Parts/ E.M.P.
First the t bracket ( used in the special wall )
Take a L bracket ( part 1) then mirror it then take a 20 high 20 long 20 wide beam make it a hole and raise it 5 mm put it on the back ( it should cut through the back wall [ this is for simplicity ] ) then C.P. (copy [ Ctrl + C ] and paste [ Ctrl + V ] and rotate it 90 degrees.
now the ejector
- first the nozzle take a 20 long 20 wide 20 high cylinder (from now on measurements will be L * W * H) and put a work plane on it now take a cone place it directly on the cylinder
- now take 2 60*20*20 long beams and group them together each end should be 90 degrees from each other
- now put 2 (again 90 degrees) 100*10*10 box and make it a hole and put inside it (apart of it should still be outside the part ) now
next the inside bars
- so first get a 50*20*20 box
- then make a 50*15*15 hole beam
- put it inside the box
- then take a 50*15*15 box and then make a 50*10*10 hole beam
- put the beam inside the box
- then make a 50*10*10 box
- done you can follow the instructions on pg 4
- will need ajusting
Step 3: The Last Part ( Skip If You Are Only Making the Fidget Toy )
First take 100*20*20 beam and then put a work plane on the end of it . Also take a 200*200*3 flat and merge with the beam then take a cylinder that is 20*20*40 then take a 30*30*20 cube and put 20*20*20 cube hole inside it merge, then attach to the part at the end merge again dont forget to make it in tinkercad then select all then... shrink then uh take it apart the print. FINALLY DONE
Step 4: Assembly ( Fidget Version )
Put all normal 320*20*20 beams in the bottom side of the box now repeat but, use the 100*20*20 and put them inside the long part, the short part should face the center now, put the bars that go inside the short part now put the nozzle on, use the 320*20*20's to connect them it should now be a cube done.
Step 5: Assembly
Do all the steps in the last step except make another part ( ugh ) just merge 2 t brackets vertically.
Replace one t bracket with this and, put one t bracket on the bottom as well facing up.
Then put a 280*20*20 beam when you attach the frames to make the cube also put the board on the beam before attaching the frames. FINALLY DONE
Step 6: Fu...Fu...FUN :)
YES: whether you made the fidget version or normal version, or had or did not have a 3D printer you had fun (I HOPE you did ) you can make it any color any one you want the picture is my final choice in color. have a GOOD DAY.