Introduction: 3d Printed Speaker Project

About: Hi I'm James. I'm an Industrial Designer in sustainable energy working in Sydney, Australia.
This is just a cool project I did to design some speakers from scratch and design them so they match my custom Macbook!

I used the internals from some old Logtiech speakers lying around. Keep reading to learn more!

Step 1: Research

Before I started, I did a little background research into the sorts of speakers out at the moment, and found that nothing was quite suitable for what I wanted!

Step 2: Sketching Away

From here, I wanted to explore lots of different shapes and forms. I used my Wacom tablet PC to sketch up some ideas I'd seen before and a few of my own, before I settled on my final design.

Step 3: CAD and 3D Printing

Now comes the fun part. I modelled up my design in Solidworks, and sent it to my slicing program to turn into code that my 3d printer would make. Here I also pulled apart the old speakers and got them ready to secure inside my shell.

Step 4: Paint, Prime and Finish

Once I'd printed out all of the parts, I secured my electric internals and layered my 3d printing job with body filler and spray putty to ensure a smooth, even finish. 

After some sanding, priming and painting, I was all done!