Introduction: 4-Object Pencil Gun

About: I am finally a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do, I have been playing guitar for 2 years now, any skill of which is of the Lord. I was saved July 13, 2008. You can be saved to. Please read the following: 1. Reali…
This is just an instructable on how to make a simple "gun" to shoot pencils.

Step 1: Supplies:

Pliers, Spring, Large Screw (To fit in spring)

Make sure the spring has a top like the one in the picture. 

Step 2: Get the Right Screw.

The scew threads need to be thin enough to fit in the spring good, but make sure the head does not fit in the spring. The screw cannot be sharp.

Step 3: Place the Screw in the Spring.

Like the picture.

Step 4: Bend the Wire.

Using the pliers bend the wire over the screw head so it's like the picture.

Step 5: When Finished...

It should look like the picture.

Step 6: Now That It's Finished...

Place your pencil in the spring.

Step 7: *Pull Your Screw Back and Shoot.

*Not liable for damage, lost eyes, etc.
*Pencil was sharpened