Introduction: 40cm/second NXT Robot

About: Hi, I am 17 years old and I love making new things and learn something new along the way, so E-Mail me at:

This is an NXT robot that can walk 40cm/sec, and it is great for FLL Contests, to make it please follow these images in a chronological order, That Would be by opening the first Image In Each Step.

The Characteristics:

- Dimensions: 15.6 cm * 14.7 cm * 11.65 cm

- Speed: 40cm/sec / 1.44 km/h

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Step 1: Items Needed

Please click the first picture and continue.

Note: Remove the extra parts in the last photo.

Step 2: Right Motor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 3: Right Motor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 4: Right Motor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 5: Left Motor

Step 6: The Driving Motors

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 7: Installing the NXT Brick

Please Click the first image and continue.
Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 8: Installing the NXT Brick

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 9: Installing the NXT Brick

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 10: Installing the NXT Brick

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 11: Wheels

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 12: Wires

Step 13: Optional: Ultrasonic Sensor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 14: Optional: Sound Sensor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 15: Optional: Light Sensor

Please Click the first image and continue.

Note: The first image contains the needed parts for the step.

Step 16: Optional: Programming the NXT

This program will allow your NXT to move in straight line with the condition of a black line under the light sensor, the program can be installed from this link:

Note: If you want to do this step do the previous step.

Note: Don't forget to stop the end.

Step 17: Bluetooth Connection

If you don't want to program then this step is for you, go to the play store / app store and download the NXT programming software, it should be similar to the one I am using, follow these steps:

1.turn on the Bluetooth on your NXT as shown above.

2. Turn on the Bluetooth on your Cellphone.

3. Connect your NXT to your Cellphone and play.

Note: Watch the Video.

Coded Creations

Participated in the
Coded Creations

Move It

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Move It

Mind for Design

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Mind for Design