Introduction: 4th of July Luminous Wine Glasses

About: I'm on the road to being an Elementary School Teacher. I like to create things with my hands. New ideas intrigue me, and this site is full of them! I like to keep digging till a find an answer and I like looki…
Well, like most Americans on the Fourth, we go outside and shoot fireworks! With so many people outside, it is important to have light but not TOO much as it would deter from the amazing fireworks! So I decided to take some old wine glasses I no longer have use for (they are too small lol) and use them for little candle holders outside. They are very simple to make with some time and a pinch of creativity ;)

Step 1: What You Will Need

The thing you will need most is your own creativity! That is what makes it fun! You can make wine glass candles for Valentines Day, Christmas, the sky is the limit! For this particular project tho, I have listed all items I've used to make Fourth of July candles. 

-unwanted wine glasses. (do not drink out of finished project! lol)

-Paint. (any kind) I used water based

-Paint brushes. I got the cheapy $5 brand from Michaels because I am no artist. 

-beads or colored stones 

-decorative sand ( I used blue to match flag colors)

Step 2: Let the Painting Begin!

Go nuts and have fun! I wanted to keep it Flag themed so I drew the flag in different ways for the first two wine glasses. Then the 3rd wine glass I added fireworks to give the look some "excitement" (trying to sound like a professional)

I draped a flag design around the rim of one glass, and painted a flag on another glass in a new way.

Step 3: Add the Sand and Lights

When you are finished painting and the wine glasses are all dry, add sand or beads inside. (drying time depends on the paint) For water based paint, it took 30 min tops. For my little collection I painted the tea lights blue to match the blue sand so it all ties together. :)

Step 4: Finished!

Now light up the tea lights and watch the fireworks on the 4th with a little extra light and some patriotic ambiance!