Introduction: 5 Gallon Panniers

About: Hi! I'm Star Simpson! I'm a real me! See more at []. photo by [ Jeff Lieberman] ( stasterisk - my name is Star, and when I was 13 I si…
Man, I love these things.

I'm carrying 22 lbs. of fresh fruit from Haymarket, in this picture.

I carried that amount of produce in shopping bags, tied and hung pannier style around my neck, once. Use panniers.

Step 1: Prime the Jugs

Cut the tops off of two five gallon jugs, with anything sharp. A Bandsaw is the fastest, but a knife or a hacksaw work too.

Step 2: Lash It to Your Bike

I made a whole bunch of figure eights though the jug handles. When they're full of stuff, they hang down and stay there.

And that's it!