Introduction: $5 Pocket Solar Battery for QRP Radio Transceiver
It seems too good to be true but you can put a pocket solar powered battery on your QRP radio for $5.
You'll need a soldering iron and a few odd's and ends.
Step 1: Get the Goods
- First, head over to ebay and pick up a Solio Mono-A for $3 free shipping.
- And get a 4-pole audio jack for $1.00.
- You will also need a 47k ohm resistor. 1/4 watts should be fine.
- A foot or so of 4 conductor wire is needed.
Step 2: Fire Up the Iron!
- Solder one conductor of the wire to the connections for the 4 pole jack.
- Make a note of which wire goes to the tip and each sleeve.
- The tip is the positive voltage.
- There are three rings. The center ring is the ground.
- The other two rings are for the resistor. Solder the 47k resistor to the wire going to these outer rings.
Step 3: Power
- You can plug the jack into the solar battery now.
- Push the button on the solar battery and wait a few seconds
- The light should start flashing red.
- You should now have 10 volts on the power wires.
Step 4: CQ CQ..
All that is left is to power up and CQ!