Introduction: 5 Minute Watertight Spy Message Capsule
for the times when you need a waterproof way to send messages to your agents (no one likes soggy spy notes)
Step 1: Materials
the materials for this instructable are proud and few
- two coke two liter bottle caps (I enter them on my coke rewards then put them in a box to use later)
- clear tape
- coded spy message, I use post-it notes
- two coke two liter bottle caps (I enter them on my coke rewards then put them in a box to use later)
- clear tape
- coded spy message, I use post-it notes
Step 2: Putting Your Capsule Together
assembly is really easy, just look at the pictures
my image notes aren't working so here are the notes
picture 1- take out the caps and note
picture 2- fold the note so it fits in one of the caps
picture 3- place one cap on top of the other
picture 4- run a piece of tape around the edge for a seal
my image notes aren't working so here are the notes
picture 1- take out the caps and note
picture 2- fold the note so it fits in one of the caps
picture 3- place one cap on top of the other
picture 4- run a piece of tape around the edge for a seal
Step 3: Enjoy Your Message Capsule
These capsules could be used as message carriers, or they could be an emergency cash stash, a tiny first aid kit, a water-tight container for when you are at the beach, or even an odd way of giving your buddy the quarter you owe him.