Introduction: 555 Timer Flashing Led

This circuit uses the 555 timer in an astable operating mode which generates a continuous output via Pin 3 in the form of a square wave. This turns the LED (D1) on and off. The speed at which the LED (D1) is turned on and off is set by the values of R1 and R2.

Step 1: Circuit 555 Timer Flashing Led and Pin 555

R1: 1K
R2: 470K
R3: 1K
C1: 1 uF
and 555 Timer

Step 2: Making!!

the first thing to do is take a 555 timer, and put it on the breadboard.
you should have 2 wires that can connect pin 2 and pin 6 with the second wire connecting pin 4 and pin 8th
After that put a resistor from 470K to pin 6 and pin 7th
Another resistor of 1K put on Pin 7 and Pin 8th
Capacitor of 1uF put a minus (-) to Pin 1 and the plus (+) to Pin 2nd
The third resistor of 1K put on Pin 3 and the other end to connect with the plus (+) to the LEDs.
Since LED (-) put the first pin
Now at the end of a 9V battery, connect the plus (+) to pin 8 and minus (-) to Pin 1st

Step 3: Finished Making

In the end, you can turn your 555 timer Flashing LED.
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