Introduction: 72 Hour Get Home Kit

I use this bag as a get home bag along with a small bag with some cloths and boots. It is a supplement to my EDC (Every Day Carry) items.

I bought this kit at Walmart "Camillus - First Aid - 3 Day Survival Kit" - $34.99

This kit "straight from the store" is a great starting point but by no means a true 72 hour kit in my opinion. However it leaves lots of room to add your own items.

Step 1: Unpacking

The first thing to do is unpack the contents of your 72 hour kit. Take a good look at what you got with this kit, familiarize yourself with everything.

Step 2: Shelter

I vacuum seal the emergency blanket. This item is already small, but every little bit you can gain helps.

The additional space allows me to add another space blanket.
This will allow for making of a solar sleeping bag

I have also put a 55 gallon trash bag in the kit for shelter. If you cut the sides of the bag you can use it as a tarp if you have to spend the night.

Step 3: Fishing Kit

This is the small fishing that I added, it contains approximately 30 ft of 30 lb test fishing line, swivels, weights and hooks.

Step 4: Gorilla Tape

30 ft of Gorilla tape has so many uses it would hard to cover them all, so here are the reasons that I have added it to my kit. It can be used to patch clothes or the space blanket. Or taping the two blankets together to make a sleeping bag. It also works to seal a wound in a pinch. Reinforce the corners of the trash bag to keep it from ripping when used as a tarp.

Step 5: Light

Light is important for many reasons. Obviously it helps you see in the dark, but it also Helsinki keep predators away.

I have added a small 3 AAA led flash light.

And the small tubes are 1.5" glow sticks.

I also carry a 3D cell led mag light.

Gander MTN crank led flash light.

Step 6: Cutting

In addition to the scalpel blade already in the kit I carry a Guardian flip knife and a Bear Grills fixed blade knife with ferrocerium rod.

And I carry a SOG PowerLock with me everyday.

Step 7: Fire

I have a few options for starting a fire.

In the orange tube are cotton balls covered with vaseline, wrapped around the tube is jute twine that can be frayed out. Both options only need a spark to ignite. A standard Bic lighter, and an empty Bic lighter converted into a sparking tool. The ferrocerium rod from my knife and Schrade pen.

Step 8: Cordage

Approximately 50 ft of 550 paracord. This has a wide range of uses from guy lines on a tent, to a sling for a broken arm. A quick search of the net will give you hundreds of ideas on how to use this.

Step 9: Water

In addition to the water and food that comes with this kit, I have added a few things.

1 Swayer mini water filter kit. - not pictured

PA & PA+ water purification tablets.

Stanley adventure series 2 part water bottle. The bottom of this bottle can be used with the alcohol stove to boil water.

The filter, tablets and alcohol stove from step 11 are stored in the water bottle to save room in the pack.

Step 10: Food

I have added some bullion cubes, and beef jerky to supplement the food bars.

Step 11: Misc Items

Included in this section is a alcohol stove, a Stanley flask with denatured alcohol.

2 Grimlock tactical links - $10 /4 on Amazon

Rite in the Rain tablet - you can write in this even if the pages are wet and the will not fall apart if they get wet.

Schrade tactical pen - this has a pen, emergency whistle, ferrocerium rod and striker.

Step 12: First Aid Boost

To boost the first aid kit I have added as follows:

5 butterfly closures

10 cotton swabs

1 liquid bandage

Additional ibuprofen & Tylenol


Vaseline lip therapy .25 oz - for lips or hands

Vinyl gloves

Nail clippers

Step 13: Repacking

Time to put it all together.

The best way I found to get everything to fit back in is to start placing the food bars standing up to one side then placing the wipes and water in the remaining space. Then I place the first aid items, flask and crank flashlight on top of that.

The space blankets, poncho, trash bag, gorilla tap, led flash light, batteries and fire starting supplies should fit in one of the side pouches.

The hand warmers, zip ties, glow sticks, fishing kit, tablet and paracord in the front pouch.

And I place the other food items in the remaining side pocket.

Step 14: My Notes

This is my first Instructable. I hope that you all like this and maybe it will help you in making your own kit. If anyone has anything they think should be included please let me know. Also the alcohol stove is one that I made, that will be my next instructable.