Introduction: 7seg Arduino Clock
This clock is a fun challenge to build. It may be hard to build, but when it's done, you'll be very happy.
Step 1: Materials
For the clock, you will need:
-An Arduino Uno
-A Breadboard
-Lots of wires
-SMA 420564
-Cardboard box
-Large battery with USB port
-2 buttons
-Arduino USB cord
Step 2: Arduino Code
Flash this code to the arduino:
Step 3: Wiring
Stick the Sevseg through the top of the box.
Use this picture as a reference for wiring:
Wire according to this
Arduino Sevseg Resistor
13 d1 yes
12 d2 yes
11 d3 yes
10 d4 yes
A0 A no
A1 B no
A2 C no
A3 D no
A4 E no
A5 F no
D9 G no
Step 4: More Wiring
Add buttons as in picture and plug into GND(-) 3.3V(+) on the Arduino and plug the arduino into the battery. Finally, set the time by pressing the buttons