Introduction: 8-Ball Drawbridge Lift: a K'nex Ball Machine Lift
Here are the instructions for 1 of the 3 lifts that I designed for my ball machine Ribdul. I designed the 8-Ball Drawbridge Lift as an expansion for Sandroknexmaster's Separating Arm Lift, but you can use this lift by itself. Also, the 8-Ball Drawbridge Lift's drive gearbox contains www139's reversible transmission, in my custom frame. The 8-Ball Drawbridge Lift is my most complicated lift, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully. In addition, the version I present here is slightly better than the one on Ribdul; this version features a set of moving gates that prevent balls from entering the lift when they shouldn't.
Click here to se the video, which I am unfortunately unable to post on Instructables.
Step 1: Entrance Tracks
You will start by building the lift's 8 entrance tracks (and some supporting frame).
Step 2: Gates
The gates prevent balls from entering the lift when they shouldn't.
Step 3: Loader Mechanism
In this step, you will build the mechanism that loads balls into the arm.
Step 4: Entrance Tower Frame
Now it's time to build more of the lift's frame.
Step 5: Entrance Gearbox, Part 1
This gearbox transfers the force of the arm pressing on a lever to the gates and loader mechanism.
Step 6: Entrance Gearbox, Part 2
You must do more things to the entrance gearbox before you can mount it. In this step, you will do those things.
Step 7: Mounting the Entrance Gearbox
It's finally time to mount the entrance gearbox (and build some supporting frame).
Step 8: Gray Motor Mount
If you want to use a gray motor to power the lift, follow this step to build the gray motor's mount.
Step 9: Green Motor Mount
If you want to use a green motor to power the lift, follow this step to build the green motor's mount.
Step 10: Drive Gearbox, Part 1
In this step, you will start building the gearbox that drives the lift.
Step 11: Drive Gearbox, Part 2
In this step, you will finish building the gearbox that drives the lift.
Step 12: Chain Beam & Chain Tower
Now you will build more of the lift's frame.
Step 13: Dismounter Mechanism
The dismounter mechanism knocks balls off of the arm and onto the exit tracks.
Step 14: Chain
In this step, you will thread the chain through the lift.
Step 15: Arm
It's finally time to build the lift's arm.
Step 16: Exit Tracks
All the lift needs now is exit tracks. In this step, you will build the exit tracks.
Step 17: Finished!
I designed this lift as an expansion for Sandroknexmaster's Separating Arm Lift, but you can use the 8-Ball Drawbridge Lift by itself. For example, you could run 8 different paths through this lift to give all of them a bit more height. And if you decide to use this lift along with the Separating Arm Lift, you don't have to connect them exactly like I did on Ribdul. For example, you could put the 2 lifts on opposite sides of your ball machine and connect them with long tracks.