About: Hi everyone :D I share budget-friendly DIYs, home decor, gifting, beauty and craft ideas. Make sure you check out my content. SEARCH: pvsquare on YouTube

I know we all have been there when we think of gifting our loved ones something handmade but aren't able to put together what to give.In this video, I'm showing you 8 pinterest inspired Anniversary cards which are super easy to make!All these cards are made from materials that are easily available at home. It also includes funny cards that you can gift to your bf/husband or even parents. Handmade card will add very special value. Much better than what you buy from archies or walmart. Don't spend money on them it's a total waste nobody will even remember that. but if you make effort people will surely remember!These are perfect for gifting your friend, family or partner. Do let me know if you find it useful ?