Introduction: $9 DIY Computer Monitor Riser Stand

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This is a simple good looking computer monitor stand for your desk or workstation. I use mine for my standing desk so it raises the screen up to the appropriate level for me.

You can do it! Let's get started!

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Step 1: Supplies

Wooden Dowel from Home Depot: $4.75

EKBY Laiva Shelf from Ikea: $2.99

Hardware if you don't already have stuff lying around: ~$1

Total: $9

Step 2: Cut the Legs

I used a miter saw (like this one) to cut the legs. This ensured that they were flat, straight cuts. Put a block on the saw and push the dowel up against the block for every cut to ensure that your legs are all the same length.

My legs were about 5" tall.

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Step 3: Mount the Legs

To mount the legs you can use headless bolts like these. Or you can be like me and use a hacksaw to cut the heads off of regular bolts. I cut mine to about 1" in length.

Pre-drill holes into the legs and into the bottom of your shelf being careful not to go all the way through. The use a pair of pliers and screw the headless bolt into the legs. Then take your legs and screw them into the bottom of your shelf.

Check to make sure the riser sits level. If it doesn't try to make some adjustments yourself to get it right. If you're still having trouble you can use leg levelers like these.

Step 4: Enjoy It!

Now you can sit back and enjoy the new ergonomics of your workstation. Say goodbye to neck and back pain (maybe).

I use my 27" iMac on it and that thing weighs 21 pounds so it is sturdy enough for most needs.

Enjoy and let me know what you think and if you end up building one like it!


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