Introduction: A Better Cat Litter Sifter

I have tried several different methods of cleaning my cats' litter box. From a three-piece sifting pan(messy), to a Littermaid automatic sifter(more trouble than it's worth), to an old-fashioned sieve-type scoop. The best method I have found is this sifting bucket of my own design. This is my first Instructable.

Step 1: Materials

For this Instructable, you will need the following materials:

Two nesting buckets I used the plastic containers that the Kitty Litter comes in.
Hardware cloth. This is available at any hardware store. I had some laying around with 1/2" spacing, but I would recommend using a finer mesh.
Two-part epoxy, or another suitable adhesive.

Step 2: Cut the Bottom Off One Bucket

Carefully mark a line around one bucket as a cutting guide using a pencil or felt-tip marker. The cut-line should not be too deep, so the pee clumps don't have too far to fall. I would make it shallower than this if I were to do it again. Cut using a sharp utility knife or your favourite power tool. If using a knife, BE VERY CAREFUL! The plastic is very tough, and the knife could easily slip out. Clean up any rough edges.

Step 3: Cut the Hardware Cloth

Take your bucket top and use it as a template for the hardware cloth. Leave an inch or so on each side. Snip each wire with side cutters or a dremel tool. Cut out each corner to match the corners of the bucket top, and bend these sides up.

Step 4: Assembling Bucket Top and Mesh

Press the mesh into the top part from the top and form it into the sides using a small hammer or mallet. Scuff the area of contact using coarse sandpaper so the adhesive will have something to grab onto. Mix up some epoxy and glue the mesh to the side of the top, and you're done.

Step 5: How to Use

Now all you have to do is place the bucket top into the other bucket and dump the entire contents of the litter box into it. Gently shake it to let the remaining "clean" litter fall off, and dump the nasty bits back into the litter box. Dump this into a litter receptacle, and replace the "clean" litter. It's best to use a premium litter, otherwise you will have to fight a giant cloud of litter dust.