Introduction: A Circuit That Can Sense the Change in the Temperature Value

About: i am a high school student and i love making things

This circuit measures the temperature using an LM35 temperature sensor and compares the input voltage using an ic op-amp with the info collected the circuit will turn on and off the relay.



• Breadboard

• Jumpers MTM

• 9V battery

• Battery clip

• Relay Module

• Voltage regulator L7805


• Resistor10K

• IC amplifier UA741CP

• 10K ohm potentiometer

• Temperature sensor LM35

Step 1: Prepare All the Required Components.

Step 2: Plug the IC Amplifier, the Potentiometer and the Temperature Sensor Into the Breadboard Then Wire the Second Pin of the IC Amp in the Middle Pin of the Potentiometer

Step 3: Wire the Third Pin of the Potentiometer, the Fourth Pin of the IC Amp and the Third Pin of the Temperature Sensor in the Ground.

Step 4: Wire the Third Pin of the IC Amp in the Middle Pin of the Temperature Sensor.

Step 5: Wire the First Pin of the Temperature Sensor in the 5V.

Step 6: Wire the First Pin of the Potentiometer and the Seventh Pin of the IC Amp in the 5V.

Step 7: Wire The” Input” of the Relay Module in the Sixth Pin of the IC Amp, Wire the DC+ in the Anode of the Breadboard Then Wire the DC- in the Cathode of the Breadboard.

Step 8: Connect the Resistor and the Anode of the LED in the Sixth Pin of the IC Amp the Wire the Anode of the LED in the Ground.

Step 9: Plug the Voltage Regulator Into the Breadboard Then Wire the First Pin in Anode of Battery, the Second Pin in the Cathode of the Battery & the Ground and Wire the Third Pin in the Anode of the Breadboard.

Step 10: Schematics and Circuit Diagrams Using Tinkered