Introduction: DIY AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) / 自己動手做原子力顯微鏡
I am pleased to share with you that the DIY AFM is reported by the latest Nature Nanotechnology 10, 480 (2015) that the DIY AFM is assembled by junior high school student and successfully measure PM 2.5 particles.
Finally, the first and only optical pickup unit (OPU) scientific applications focused review article "Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing" is published.....based on my 15 years experience....including driving circuits for three CD/DVD/Blu-ray OPUs.....could be informative for student projects, research labs and citizen access for everyone!
You can find many other OPU based instrumentation related papers by scanning QR codes in this video:
Microscopes are awesome! They help us see things that are not visible to bare eyes. Optical microscopes can only see micro scale (1/1,000 millimeter) structures. However, you can explore nano scale (1/1,000,000 millimeter) world by Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM). Yet a stock-ready AFM usually costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy. Thus we are providing you a solution to make your own AFM optomechanical system out of daily used parts including optical pickup unit (OPU) in a DVD player and piezo buzzers in your watch. The total cost is between 500 to 1,000 dollars (AFM controller not included). Most of the traditional AFM systems use beam deflection method for monitoring the AFM probe, the low-cost educational AFM directly use an OPU for the same purpose. This low cost educational AFM is originally designed and made by Dr. En-Te Hwu, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. The idea of using circuit boards as structure: Sebastian Buetefisch.
This work is an outcome of LEGO2NANO project funded by LEGO Foundation.
Update: here is a company producing this kind of AFM Enjoy!
Traditional AFM:
DVD OPU based AFM in German National Metrology Institute
顯微鏡可讓我們看到肉眼無法觀察的結構,实在是太棒了!光學顯微鏡能看到微米等級(1/1,000釐米)結構,然而原子力顯微鏡更可讓我們看到奈米(1/1,000,000 釐米)結構。一般的原子力顯微鏡動輒數萬至數十萬美元,只有研究機構可以負擔得起。我們希望透過這次介紹,告訴大家如何利用身邊的元件,包括DVD Rom的光學讀寫頭以及你手錶裡面嗶嗶叫的壓電喇叭,來製作一套自己的奈米級原子力顯微鏡的光機系統,材料價格不超過1000美元(不包含控制器)。傳統原子力顯微鏡大多使用光槓桿原理,而教育型原子力顯微鏡使用像散式光路偵測探針位移,此教育型原子力顯微鏡由台灣中央研究院物理研究所胡恩德博士設計並製作。使用電路板作結構之概念源自:Sebastian Buetefisch.
显微镜可让我们看到肉眼无法观察的结构,实在是太棒了!光学显微镜能看到微米等级(1/1,000毫米)结构,然而原子力显微镜更可让我们看到納米(1/1,000,000毫米)结构。一般的原子力显微镜动辄数万至数十万美元,只有研究机构可以负担得起。我们希望透这次介绍,告诉大家如何利用身边的元器件,包括DVD Rom的激光头以及你手表里面哔哔叫的压电喇叭,来制作一套自己的納米级原子力显微镜的的光机系统,材料价格不超过1000美元(不包含控制器。传统原子力显微镜大多使用光杠杆原理,而教育型原子力显微镜使用像散式光路侦测探针位移,此教育型原子力显微镜由台湾中央研究院物理研究所胡恩德博士设计并制作。使用电路板作结构之概念源自:Sebastian
Step 1: Materials and Tools 材料與工具
Materials for the low cost AFM are: 1.OPU disassembled from a DVD ROM. 2.Piezo speakers. 3.Signal connector. 4.Precision screws. 5.Circuit boards. The tools needed are: 1.A soldering iron 2.Solder 3.Quick-dry adhesive 4.Epoxy 5.Magnets 6.Screw driver. The consumable is AFM probes (working frequency 300 kHz).
組裝原子力顯微鏡需要材料為:1.從DVD光碟機上的讀取頭 2.壓電喇叭 3.訊號接頭 4.精密螺絲 5.磁鐵 6.電路板結構。 工具為:1.烙鐵 2.銲錫 3.瞬間膠 4.AB膠 5.螺絲起子。耗材為:原子力顯微鏡探針(工作頻率300k赫茲)。
组装原子力显微镜需要材料为:1.从DVD光驱上的激光头 2.压电喇叭 3.信号接头 4.精密螺丝 5.磁铁 6.电路板结构。 工具为:1.烙铁 2.焊锡 3.瞬间胶 4.AB胶 5.螺丝刀。耗材为:原子力显微镜探针(工作频率300k赫兹)。
Step 2: Assembling the AFM Base 組裝原子力顯微鏡底座
The optomechanical part of the AFM system is assembled by students from junior high school attached to Tsinghua University. The AFM base is structured by 4 circuit boards which are fixed by solder.
Step 3: Assembling the AFM Piezo Scanner 組裝壓電掃描器
Assembling the scanner structure and fix the structure on 4 piezo buzzers which are soldered to the base. The fifth piezo buzzer is fixed on top of the scanner structure.
Step 4: Assembling the AFM Head 組裝光路頭
The frame of the AFM head composed of 5 pieces of circuit board. Assembling the frame of the AFM head then fix the DVD OPU in the center and place the probe adjustment mechanism. Install 3 screws on the AFM head for coarse adjustments.
Step 5: Installing Piezo Scanner Connectors 安裝壓電掃描器接頭
The piezo scanner needs 3 connectors for X,Y,Z signal input. Wire those 5 piezo speakers to the connectors which installed in the base.
Step 6: Assembling a Passive Anti-vibration Platform 組裝被動式防震平台
Proper vibration isolation can ensure AFM measurement quality, good news is that the vibration table can be built by materials we can easily get:1.Bicycle tube(diameter 10-18 inch) 2.A stone, iron block or other heavy object (weight of 3-10 kg, size of approx. 20x50 cm) 3.Pump for pumping the bicycle tube. Place the stone on top of an inflated bicycle tube, this can be a very simple passive anti-vibration platform.
最低限度的防震平台是保证显微镜量测精度的关键,好消息是这防震平台的材料随手可得:1. 自行车内胎(直径约10-18英寸) 2. 一块石头、铁块、或其他外形呈长方体的重物(重约3-10千克即可,长宽分别约20厘米和50厘米,厚度不限) 3. 为内胎充气的气泵。将一条自行车内胎充气,接着将石头放置于内胎上,此即为一简易的被动式防震平台。
Step 7: Sample Preparation 樣品準備
Like normal AFM systems, the low cost AFM also needs simple sample preparations. Here we use data tracks on DVD and Blu-ray disks (protection layer are torn out) for AFM system evaluations and calibrations. The DVD and Blu-ray data tracks have pitch of 740 nm and 320 nm, respectively. Besides, the students are very interested in measuring surface nano structures on an eraser. We cut one piece (approximately 1x1 cm) of the sample glued on an iron sample holder (piece of paper knife). The sample holder can be fixed by a magnet glued on the piezo scanner.
Step 8: AFM Evaluation and Calibration 測試原子力顯微鏡
Students use the AFM they assembled for measuring the DVD data tracks (pitch 740 nm), measurement result shows that the actuation area of the scanner is 15x15 micron. Students also compare the AFM measurement result (right image) with optical image captured by a USB microscope (left image). The low cost AFM can easily measure the DVD data tracks which can not be observed by the optical microscope.
Step 9: Measuring the Surface of an Eraser 量測橡皮擦的表面
Students are very interested in surface structures of an eraser that they use everyday. The surface of eraser is observed by the USB microscope (left image), we can not see clear structures. The same eraser is measured by the low cost AFM (right image), we found that the structures on the eraser surface are very big (several microns in all dimensions). The measurement area of the eraser is 5x5 micron.
Step 10: Observing PM 2.5 Particles in Beijing 觀察北京空氣懸浮粒子
Students like to measure Blu-ray data tracks that the pitch is 320 nm. We can get the high density data tracks in a scanning area of 10x10 micron. Besides, we can find several particles (size approx. 1 micron) on the data tracks. Those particles are PM 2.5 in Beijing.
Due to some proboem in the instructables, here is a link of the step by step process in PDF:
學生想挑戰結構更小的空白Blu-ray光碟片資料軌,其間距為320奈米。由量測結果可看到密度更高的Blu-ray光碟資料軌,掃描範圍為10x10微米。此外,我們可在資料軌上可以看到數個尺寸約1微米左右的顆粒,此即為北京漂浮在空氣中的PM 2.5顆粒。
学生想挑战结构更小的空白Blu-ray光盘片数据轨,其间距为320納米。由量测结果可看到密度更高的Blu-ray光盘数据轨,扫描范围为10x10微米。此外,我们可在数据轨上可以看到数个尺寸约1微米左右的颗粒,此即为北京漂浮在空气中的PM 2.5颗粒。
Step 11: Prepare for Making Your Own Educational AFM
One working system in Taiwan runs 24-7 for stress test, this system is continuously scanning for more than one week. I am using contact mode AFM probe now (still use that probe in tapping mode). The sample is a Blu-ray disk of mass produced PS3 game ( I think the game is Front Mission Evolved). The are no data tracks on the disk, we can find data pits on the surface. The size of one data pit is about 150 nm.
Actually I work with OPUs for 10 years already....the OPU based AFM paper published long time ago ( It's still fun to play with OPUs.
Using OPU for AFM application seems very easy, but actually there are a lot of tricky parts. One may need to know fundamentals of the OPU, then it would be easier to start working with OPUs. Here is a document about background knowledge of the OPU:
Good Luck!
Step 12: Some Other OPU Based Instrumentations
Here is a file which introduces various precision measurements based on the OPU, such as AFM, Optical profiler, vibrometer, can find more details in the attached file!
Step 13: Measuring Leafs Surface With Nano Scale Resolution
Step 14: Now, the DIY AFM Controller Is Being Hacked
The nanoscale stability structure is not easy to build, so I keep the original optomechanical part. For more flexible control, I tried to build open source AFM controller:
You can discuss the open source controller here:
Step 15: A Talented Student "Bob" Enables the DIY AFM Controlled by Smart Phones!
The Arduino DUE based controller hacks the DIY AFM board. He uses Bluetooth module HC-05 to connect Android Smartphone wirelessly. Check the video/photos out!
The Smartphone app source code will be ready soon!