Introduction: A Pair of Homemade Emergency Goggles!!!
There are so many useless things out there... and at the same time there are many things with multiple uses... well I've managed to turn some pretty useless things into a pair of emergency goggles just in case you ever need a pair.... Check out this instructable... Watch the video for a better idea of how its done....
Sub To Nextraker
Sub To Nextraker
Step 1: Materials!!!
You will need the following Items...
- Two Joined Plastic Rings (Get them from the plastic holders found on cans of soda)
- Two clear plastic shells ( they are found on any stick of deodorant)
- Two Rubber Bands
Step 2: Making Shape!
Cut the plastic holder in half so you have two rings...
Cut them to shape (goggles)
Cut them to shape (goggles)
Step 3: Make Goggles!
Once shape is complete....
Apply hot glue on the edges, and stick the plastic shells on the center... for best resuls dont leave any open spaces in between.....
and You're DONE!!!!
Apply hot glue on the edges, and stick the plastic shells on the center... for best resuls dont leave any open spaces in between.....
- Cut rubber bands and attach them together to make a longer piece of elastic....
and You're DONE!!!!
Step 4: How They Work!
Now that your Goggles are complete, you can use them for landscaping, construction or swimming better yet, you can find another use for them...
They are very light and flexible so you can pretty much carry them where ever...
NOTE- clean the plastic shells, to avoid any chemical reactions to you eyes....
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(watch the instructional video for a better a understanding)
They are very light and flexible so you can pretty much carry them where ever...
NOTE- clean the plastic shells, to avoid any chemical reactions to you eyes....
If you find this helpful... Subscribe!!!
(watch the instructional video for a better a understanding)