Introduction: A Punch of Thousand Volt

About: i love to understand circuits ....know how they work .....and creat something of my own....
Hello guys this instructable is how to make a glove which deliver a charge of more than 1000 volt.This glove should and only be used for self defence purpose, Do not prank other people with this.The glove seems to be a simple glove as all its parts are hidden so, it can be weared on regular basis and if you got trapped in a bunch of bad guys,you can punch them a thousand volt.And prove that Wisdom is Greater than Strength

Step 1: Material Required

#1. Hand glove with long wrist strap.
#2. 3.7 volt li-ion battery.
#3. Voltage multiplier circuit board (I get it from electric fly swatter).
#4. Thumb pin (big one). Four of them.
#5. Hot glue sticks and gun.
#6. Needle and Thread.
#7. Balloon.
#8. Adhesive glue.
#9. Soldering iron.
#10. Scissor and some common other tools.

Step 2: About the Circuit Board

The circuit board which you will get from electric fly swatter or racket can be divided into three part.
#1 The first part of circuit is charging part which charges 4 volt lead acid battery by main supply(250 volt).
#2 Second part consist of transistor,resistor and transformer which convert the direct current of battery into A.C signal and further amplified by the transformer in higher A.C voltage.
#3 Third part of circuit is a voltage multiplier which multiply the voltage came from transformer and store it in capacitor (A very high DC voltage).
I tried to measure the voltage by my multimeter by setting on its highest rang that was 1000 volt but voltage was more than that as meter had a big spark and was over the rang but it would not be more than 2000 volt as capacitor max voltage is 2kv (written on it).So the voltage may be between 1000 to 2000 volt.

Step 3: Trimming the Circuit Board

For our project we only need second and third part of the circuit,so we are going to break the circuit !! Yes right we have to now cut and remove extra (the charging) part of the circuit for making it small so it can be hidden easily.View the image for knowing the right position for breaking , use a pair of sharp scissor.

Step 4: Soldering Wire to Circuit

The negative input wire will be soldered at the end of the transformer 4th pin as show in the image.
Positive wire will be soldered at mid pin of the transistor which is the collector pin in this case, the transistor might be D882P or something similar to that.

Step 5: Hooking Up the Thumb Pin

For this we need thumb pin which you can get from a stationary store just ask for the big one they must have it. Now for hooking ,bend the pin in one direction (90 degree) from beneath, so that it becomes like a hook, now we need to sew the wire from inside net of the glove, for this we have to hook up a needle with the wire and sew it up so the wire can be hidden. I used some of the hot glue to place the pin. Further i came to know hot glue was necessary as it stop the capacitor to discharge.

Step 6: Adding the Switch

I used very small button switch which is in ON state only and up-till we press it , i placed it beneath the glove first finger and the wire is from the behind the net, sew it from needle and hot glued it to seal it.

Step 7: Adding the Battery

The lead acid battery which is pri-fitted in the racket we don't need it as its too big, so i used a lithium ion battery of a cell phone, ripped off its cover and protection circuit and attached a positive and negative lead. This battery are compact and long lasting.I first used adhesive glue to place the battery on the wrist belt then sewed it there.

Step 8: Adding Circuit Board

I used hot glue to place it there and sew it.

Step 9: Connecting the Wire

Let's first take a overview of the wire outlet's. there are two wire from the battery (+) and (-), four wire from the circuit board , two input (+) and (-) and two high voltage output. Two wire from the switch and one wire from each four thumb pin.Now connect the wire, first connect the index finger wire with ring finger and middle finger wire with little finger and then connect index and ring finger wire to one high voltage output from capacitor of the circuit board. Middle and little finger wire to other end of high voltage output of capacitor. Wire should be few cm long between the connection for flexibility.Now, join (+) end of battery to one end of switch and other end of switch to circuit board (+) input. (-) end of battery to (-) input of circuit board and there you have done the all the connection. Use hot glue to seal the joint , use it at every soldering and wire joint.

Step 10: Insulating the Glove

We have to now insulate our glove from inside near the finger to stop getting shock. This step is included after getting a good shock, its too necessary to insulate!! trust me!!, i used balloon rubber for this as its good insulator than cotton or air ,turn around the glove use some adhesive glue to place the balloon rubber, refer image for the area of insulation (mainly at the ends of the finger).

And here we have made it!! you have created your own self defense wearable gadget.Hope so i had explained so well that you have understood and can make one of your own!!