Introduction: DIY IPod and IPhone Stand From an Old Cassette Case!
I was looking across the pages on yahoo and found this neat DIY phone cassette stand from an old cassette player. Link to original post:
Step 1: Gather Materials!
Things needed to make the cassette case stand you will need:
A pencil
A ruler
An x-acto knife or scissors
And most importantly a cassette case
Scrapbook paper
Step 2: To Make the Stand With the Cassette Case!
To fold the cassette case into a stand open it with the thin side and fold it back until it stops. Now you are done!
Step 3: Adding Designs!
This is where the scrapbook paper comes in. Instead of it being only clear I decided to make a background with scrapbook paper. To make the background measure the back of the case. I measure it and got 2 1/2" x 4". I then measured it onto the scrapbook paper and cut it with my X-Acto knife. You can tape it down if it doesn't stay. Now you are done! That was easy wasn't it?
Step 4: Finished!
Yay! You have made your own iPod/IPhone stand!