Introduction: A Wooden Heart
Lets make a Heart
Step 1: Lets Get Started
What you need....
1. A slice of wood
2. A Heart templet
3. Jigsaw or scrollsaw
4. Beltsander or files and sandpaper
5. Linseed Oil
7. A rag or what you have to polish the heart.
Take you slice of wood, trace the heart shape on the wood.
Step 2: Make the Heart
Cut out the heart with a scrollsaw or jig saw.
Trace on the side a line in the middle.
And shape it on the beltsander or use a file and sandpaper.
Step 3: Lets Make It Shiny....
Put some linseed oil on a rag and cover the heart with it.
After the linseed oil is socked into the wood you can use a buffing wheel or a rag the buff it up.
And you will have a shiny little heart.
For full instructions you can watch the video