Introduction: A Card-trick Everyone Can Do

A relelitivly simple trick everyone can do, and it works everytime.

Step 1: Set-up

The only cards you need for this trick are the face cards (kings, queens and jacks, if you don't know) and aces.
Arrange the cars like so:

Step 2: Cut the Deck

continue the last step as shown with all the cards in decending order(king, queen, jack, ace), if you don't understand ,seek help.

the stack the sets of cards, ask who ever your showing the trick to, to cut the deck as many times as they like but they must lift at least 1 card from the top each time.

Step 3: Your Grand Finale

After the deck ha been cut, start to lay out the cards like so, and have the each card over-lap the card under it.

And that's it.Don't ask me how this works ,it just does.