The program has been written by Steven Aitken.
" Steve Aitken - 2015 - with much help in testing from Al Bates - who spent many hours with audio files retesting and retesting the methods until we settled on this one. "
Original code from Steven
I split the signal that produced from flywheel on 2 monitors .
On this videos i row for 2 minute reverse .The result on the screen
Few words for the programme.
Original programme from Steven doesn't work with model B and C.( model B and C has the same sensor ).
I spent Hundreds of hours testing , writing code and fixing some bugs of programme.
The big problem WAS that it didn't have any stability for strokes .I try many diferent ways with no succes .
The solution after hundred hours was so simple .Just add 100k resistance to cable that comes from flyweel to analogRead( 1 ) .
( MAGIC ....everything worked PERFECTLY )
This solution might possibly work with the original programm of Steven Aitkens but this project has been very tired for me so I quit .that's why i left inside the programme many unusefull variables , many unusefull comments because i don't have the courage to find and delete them .( i hope someone else to do that ).
I have remove some screens like watt , kcal , graphics and settings and others ( if you want them , they are included in the original programme of Steven) , but it works perfectly for : free rowing , reverse meter , reverse time , and time intervals , screen .(all with dragFactor on screen )
I observed something strange to dragFactor , that takes place in some ergometer ( model C and maybe to model D ).The test has been done on 12 ergometers model C and 2 model D.
Some ergometer gives different drag from what i am expected . .
I belιeve that is happening because this has relationship with polarity of magnets ( north -south ) but i don't have the knowledge to prove it . ( maybe "AC to DC Power Adapter IN4007 Bridge Rectifier Full-wave Rectifier " give the solution but ... I quit . someone help for this ).
The solution for this , is that i add one screens to regulate and find the correct value of K ( K is the basicly value which gives dragFactor ) .
The K value storage to EPROM .You do this ONLY one time then you can put the damper anywhere .
How find the correct value for K .
For model C :
1. if you have PM2 , PM3 ,PM4 is very simple:
a . Find the drag ( example 140 or about in the middle of dumper ) then change monitor and put arduino monitor .
b. Go to screen "set dragFactor" and write the number of dragFactor that you have find before with the original monitor ( PM2 etc ) and push select button twice .
c. Start rowing for 20 -21 strokes with middle power.Stroke per minute must be about 26 . Then you see the screen " finished please restart " .The monitor is ready for THIS ergometer.After that put the dumper as you wish , is READY.
ATTENTION Please make TEST . You must found the drag you have wrote before (for about 10-15 strokes ) otherwise again goto screen set dragfactor .
2 . If you don't have monitor : Get out the dumper / fan (photo).The maximun dragFactor of all model C with out dumper is 235 ( EXTREMLY VERY HEAVY ).
a .With dumper out in screen " set dragFactor " write 235 and push select button twice.
b . goto previus c paragraph .
ATTENTION Please make test without dumper . You must found 235 drag ( for about 10-15 strokes ) otherwise again goto screen set dragfactor ( if it is high ex 240 set drag to 234 ) .
I know is barbaric but is very important to do that .
For model D and possible for model E ( have he same sensor) :
1. back to way 1 :
2. With dumper out , i don't have maximun number of Drag .
For model B ( the best of all) :
Model A,C,D,and E has 14 tooth gear .Model B has 2 gear one with 13 tooth and another with 15 tooth .
DragFactor as you can see on video that i upload is exacly the same , if you put chain at gear with 13 tooth or gear with 15 tooth.
Gear with 15 tooth is easiest , gear with 13 tooth is harder but they have the same dragFactor.
Explenation for 13 and 15 tooth here
( TIP : if you want to go faster in model C,D,E with monitor PM3,PM4,PM5 ....just replace the gear ) .
Anyway model B with bumper open dragFactor is ( i upload soon ) and with dumper close is ( i upload soon ) .
( this value are taken from monitor PM2 )
If you can find monitor follow method for model C paragraph 1.
If something goes wrong I add onother one screen which delete the K ( from eprom) and start normally .
Start from the beginning .
// Another one interesting constant is" I " which gives meter that produced from flywheel . So if you change
// that variable you can do ergometer go faster or slower .I have set this value to 0,1025. " I = 0,1025 "
// another important constant is " C " I setup up " 2.9 " ( i am not sure )
// All this changes has been done because I add 100k resistance .
MANY MANY MANY thanks to Steven Aitkens .
Step 1: Let's Make It .
1 . cover usb with tape .
2 . make cable as see in the picture with 100kΩ resistance .
3. powered from 9v rechargeable battery with on-off switch or 12v simple adapter 1.5A
4 . push some pin down ( with iron soldering ) because they connect to arduino usb and create problems .
5 . connect monitor on arduino .
6 . this simpe corner made of iron is screwing on arm of ergometer the arduino with base snaps on it .
Step 2: Upload Files to Arduino
download main.h in library of arduino
download " final_9A_with_delete_drag.ino "and open .
upload to arduino and finished .
possible problems : meters runs without stroke
- Possible in jack female the 2 cable has connection between of then or somewhere has connection between cables . I have tighten it up on board as you see on picture .
- Check if usb has connections with the pins of monitor .
A very interesting file is Ergodiplay.pdf describes where Steven found information to make the programme .