Introduction: ATtiny85 Robot Insect V2.0
Have been looking for a more real bug, which is more beautiful than my previous Instructables
And this is my solution
The first picture is mine the second picture is from the internet
Step 1: Homemade Parts
These parts you need, it's just a few steps make in no time
Step 2: Foto's and Video
This is the best of an instructables if it really works
I find the movements are better than the previous Instructables
Step 3: Asked for Help
I am very bad in programming myself, so I ask a helping hand that could program a few extension
I would like to install 2 leds that are used as eyes that pink
Or walking backwards
Or a sharp IR sensor GP2D12 to avoid any obstacles
Or an IR remote control to stop backwards to the left to the right
Or build a piezo that makes a Crickets sound or so
And another dream is that two insect communicate with each other, like a swarm of bots
We have of course only 5 (6) inputs or outputs available, but one or two extensions should work anyway i think??
I hoop I find someone which would help me voluntarily of course
Thanks anyway