Introduction: AXIS DESK LAMP

AXIS DESK LAMP- Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Step 1: Gather Materials

Stand Details:

One piece Water Jet cut, Aluminium Sheet size 760 x 530, 1.2mm ( can use 3mm acrylic or alike)

Base Details:

Arduino Housing - Dove jointed stacked laser cut MDF. 1 x 6mm MDF sheet 600 x 450

Black Tinted Acrylic LED Reflector. 1 x 3mm, 600 x 450

3D Printed Silver PLA

base weight - 12mm sheet mild steel, big enough for a 125mm diameter circle.( other heavy weighted materials can be used)

Step 2: Cut and Print

Use files linked to fabricate lamp parts.

Stand Details:
One piece Water Jet cut, Aluminium or laser cut if using acrylic

Base Details: Arduino Housing - Dove jointed stacked laser cut MDF/ Black Tinted Acrylic LED Reflector -

3D Printed Silver PLA Base Weight - 12mm Water Jet cut mild steel

Step 3: Code Arduino

Use the files attached to copy code onto your Arduino

And use the wiring diagram to test out the circuit and dimming function

Step 4: Assembly Step

- Cut the Aluminium tube down to 138mm, with half the base cut 180 degrees to a depth of 14mm.

- Stack all MDF internals to their corresponding numbers.

- Acrylic top cap can be super glued, and press fit into the top of the Aluminium tube.

- Press fit the 3D printed Cone into the Tube.

- Locate potentiometer halfway between MDF stack 3 and 4.

- Install Arduino, and led from the top down, and locate wires out of the way of the Aluminium arm.

- Press fit bottom Acrylic base

- Plug into DC

Step 5: