Introduction: Access Author-it (SQL Cloud)
A concise instruction on accessing Author-it cloud based database.
Step 1: Log in to Author-it
1. Navigate to Author-it: Home Page
2. Log in using the credentials provided to you by the administrator.
a. Enter your company email in the Username field.
b. Enter the password provided to you by the administrator in the Password field.
c. Select the Login button.
d. [Troubleshoot] For login issues: Forgot Username/Password.
Step 2: Access the Author Cloud
1. Select Author from the left hand menu.
2. Select Open when the pop up menu appears at the bottom of the screen.
3. Log in using the credentials provided to you by the administrator.
a. Enter your company email in the User name field.
b. Enter the password provided to you by the administrator in the Password field.
c. Select the OK button.
4. Wait while the Cloud loads.
a. First the RemoteApp window will appear.
b. After the RemoteApp window disappears the Author-it Cloud Author loading pop-up will appear
c. After the Author-it Cloud Author loading pop-up disappears Author-it is accessed.