Introduction: Acrylic Guitar LED Mod

About: 'MacGyver' is a valid career choice, right?

I put a string of ASDA's finest cheap LEDs into my acrylic guitar

Stuff used:

- Acrylic Guitar
- Blue LEDs from ASDA (�3.50)
- A Rocker Switch salvaged from a broken laptop power supply
- A bunch of Icicle sticks which were saved up (I knew they might come in handy)
- Soldering iron
- A Drill
- A steel rule
- Screwdrivers
- My brother's arm. I didn't have a set of helping hands at this point

This took about 30minutes and (I think) looks pretty awesome

EDIT: If you mess up your guitar, It's not my fault, it's your own, so please don't try to sue me or anything =D

Step 1: Making Battery Space

I never use the tremelo system on my guitar (partly because I didn't get a tremelo arm with it, and partly because it throws my guitar out of tune) so I figured I could lock down the bridge... somehow

Then I found a bunch of old icicle sticks lying around and jammed them between the bridge and the body of the guitar and removed the springs. this left a perfect space for the battery compartment.

Obviously, since the switch is on the compartment, this was going to be awkward for switching the lights on/off. So the switch was left on and another switch was inserted in the wiring.

Step 2: Switch Placement

Since the battery compartment is in an awkward place for swithing the LEDs on/off another switch has to be added. So, I decided put the switch beside the pickup selector and the volume knobs.

A hole was marked and drilled out and the edges filed down in the scratchplate of the guitar

Step 3: Wiring in the Switch

So, now the hole for the switch has been cut the new switch can be wired in.

NB: remember to put the wires through the hole before you solder them onto the switch, otherwise you'll have to de-solder them and re-solder them correctly because, chances are, you won't be able to put the switch through the hole (depending on the type of switch).

I almost forgot to put the wires through ."

and Thanks to my brother for being my 'helping hands' =]

ooh, and remember to connect the spring holders to the bridge with a wire. Otherwise the electronics won't be grounded and you'll get some buzz. At least, I think so anyway

Step 4: Let There Be Light!

Fix the switch into position and screw the scratchplate back down and voila.

Get the LED Out! Contest

Participated in the
Get the LED Out! Contest