Introduction: Adding Games to Atgames Genesis Flashback HD
This will just be a quick walkthrough of how to add games to your Atgames Genesis Flashback HD. If you don't know what you are doing and aren't careful you can completely brick your unit as this instructable requires modification of a sensitive area of the Atgames Genesis Flashback HD (called just Flashback from here on out). That said I cannot be held responsible for any damage you may cause, this is at your own risk.
Tools you need:
Philips Screwdriver
a computer that has a working adb setup (android bridge, I will not cover installing this here, you will have to instructions on creating an android development environment elsewhere)
a mini USB cable
a brain
general android knowledge can be helpful
Forgive this roughness of this instructable, I hadn't planned on making one, however a month after release nobody else has made one yet, I will make one just until someone makes a better one.
P.S. Adding games to the Atari flashback 8 gold is similar after a minor hadware mod. hint: The games are stored in an obb.
Step 1: Open Your Flashback and Connect It to a PC.
To open the unit you must remove the 7 screws, 4 are under the 4 feet pads, one is under the label, see image.
after the screws are removed take off the cover gently as not to break the wires connecting to the top.
Now plug in the Mini USB came on the mini USB plug on the unit circuit board, and then into your computer.
Wait a moment and the rk3036 will show up in your devices. When it does you are ready to go.
Step 2: Prepare Your Flashback
Now navigate to where you have ADB installed and run the following commands to prepare your unit to add games. (all commands are case sensitive)
"adb devices"
This command starts the adb daemon and verify the flashback is connected
"adb pull /system/atgames/all-games.ini"
This command copies the all-games.ini file you will need to modify to your computer.
"adb shell mount -o rw,remount,rw /system "
This command is where the risk starts, it tells your flashback to allow modifications to the system folder.
"adb shell mv /system/atgames/all-games.ini /system/atgames/all-games.bak"
This command creates a backup of the original all-games.ini to restore if needed later.
" adb shell ln -s /sdcard/Games/all-games.ini /system/atgames/all-games.ini"
This command creates a symlink from the original all-games.ini and points it to the NAND Flash for easy access.
" adb shell mount -o ro,remount,ro /system"
This command restores the original read only state to the system files.
Open NAND FLASH folder on the rk3036 device and create the folder "Games" (case is important here as well)
copy the all-games.ini file from your adb folder to the newly created "Games" folder
Try the system, make sure it still works correctly.
If it does not make sure the all-games.ini file is where it belongs and that there were no typos in the above or things will not work.
Step 3: Adding the Games
Note: games MUST be in .bin format (not just .bin extension) If they are in .smd or .mgd format they will not boot. Try to find a converter. (.sms and .gg also work but for the scope of this guide we will stick with genesis games)
The game can be named whatever you want but must have a bin extension and no spaces.
Ex.: Whatever.bin
drag the game to the created "Games" folder on the rk3036 device.
Now add a cover for the game with the same name and .png added.
format is PNG, resolution is 640x320.
Ex: Whatever.bin.png
Finally open the all-games.ini and add the following for each game, Replace the in bold with your own info.
[Game Name]
Description=this is a description of the game the real unit also included gameplay controls.
D=Pad-Does stuff
A=Other stuff
Now safe the all-games.ini and copy it to the "Games" folder you created
finally reboot the system and enjoy your new games.
Step 4: Restore to Stock (Optional)
If you feel the need to restore to stock follow these directions:
Navigate to your adb folder
run the following commands:
"adb devices"
This command starts the adb daemon and verify the flashback is connected
"adb shell mount -o rw,remount,rw /system "
This command is where the risk starts, it tells your flashback to allow modifications to the system folder.
"adb shell rm /system/atgames/all-games.ini"
This command removes the symlink you created.
"adb shell mv /system/atgames/all-games.bak /system/atgames/all-games.ini"
This command copies the original all-games.ini back into place.
" adb shell mount -o ro,remount,ro /system"
This command restores the original read only state to the system files.
Now navigate to the rk3036 device and delete the "Games" folder you created"
You have restored stock.
Step 5: Reassemble
1. Remove USB Cable
2. Replace cover
3. Flip upside-down and screw in 7 screws
4. Replace label and feet
5. Enjoy