Introduction: Adding a Library to Eagle CAD
Quick tutorial showing how to add a library of parts to use on EAGLE CAD.
For my purposes I will be adding the ATtiny85 library to Eagle
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Step 1: Download the Library You Want to Use
After a quick Google Search I found a nice library for the ATttiny85 on Eagle CAD's website linked here:
Step 2: Create a Folder to Place the Library in
Create a folder wherever you want the library to be kept.
I kept my library in my DropBox under the folder called eagleLibrary
Step 3: Drag the Library to Your Folder
If the library downloaded as a zip file make sure you extracted it first before placing it in your folder
Otherwise just drag and drop the library to the folder we created in the previous step
Step 4: Tell Eagle CAD Where to Look for the Library
Open Eagle under Options->Directories
Step 5: Under the Directory Type the Library Location
The modify the path location to tell Eagle exactly the folder location and name where it will find the library. Note capitalization counts!
Mine looks something like this:
This just means something like this
Step 6: Check In
If done correctly you should now see the folder with the library show up
Right click your library the select Use All so Eagle CAD knows to use the components in this library