Introduction: Adirondack Style Dining Chair
Here is my first woodworking Instructables..
Step 1: Create Sketch With SketchBook
First step was to come up with idea for chair..
I used SketchBook to come up with the idea.
I saved a screen shoot to use for the rest of my design.
I used SketchBook to come up with the idea.
I saved a screen shoot to use for the rest of my design.
Step 2: Autodesk ForceEffect to Optimize the Design
I used Autodesk ForceEffect to analyze my design
Set background from saved image
Set units to inch
Trace over background image (set seat height to 18”)
bond all joints
Add supports
Add 200 lb distributed load
I want to reduce the twisting on point “E” since it is the most likely connection that will fail.
Original design has 516 lb-in of twisting at point “E”
Slight change in geometry creates 360 lb-in of twisting at point “E”
Final design has 284 lb-in of twisting at point “E” reducing the stress on point “E” by almost half.
I saved my diagram to Autodesk 360 so that could use it to start my Inventor 3D model..
Set background from saved image
Set units to inch
Trace over background image (set seat height to 18”)
bond all joints
Add supports
Add 200 lb distributed load
I want to reduce the twisting on point “E” since it is the most likely connection that will fail.
Original design has 516 lb-in of twisting at point “E”
Slight change in geometry creates 360 lb-in of twisting at point “E”
Final design has 284 lb-in of twisting at point “E” reducing the stress on point “E” by almost half.
I saved my diagram to Autodesk 360 so that could use it to start my Inventor 3D model..
Step 3: Create 3D Design With Autodesk Inventor
I imported my diagram from Autodesk 360 to start my 3D model for my chair.
After creating my 3D model I crerated some basic 2 drawings to help with the build.
After creating my 3D model I crerated some basic 2 drawings to help with the build.
Step 4: The Build..
I used the Kreg Pocket Hole Jig for all my joints
Assemble the glue up the seat
Measure and cut all members except for back member (will measure this on in place later)
Since this is a symmetrical chair I clamped and cut 2 members at one time (this ensure very consistent and accurate cuts)
Join all members except for back, clamp back in position and mark cut.
Final assembly..
Stain another day :)
Assemble the glue up the seat
Measure and cut all members except for back member (will measure this on in place later)
Since this is a symmetrical chair I clamped and cut 2 members at one time (this ensure very consistent and accurate cuts)
Join all members except for back, clamp back in position and mark cut.
Final assembly..
Stain another day :)