Introduction: Admiral Ackbar Slipper Boots

About: Maker of all things delicious and geeky.
Warm and cozy slipper boots with a sci-fi twist. These are meant to resemble Admiral Ackbar, but you could tweak the fabric and felt to create other creatures.

Step 1: Materials

*1/4 yard boot material (I have size 6 feet and got 1/2 yard just to be safe but I had a lot of fabric left over. I used cuddle fleece. It is very soft and warm, but makes a mess as you can see in all the following pictures :D)
*black and gold felt (or other colors if you are making something different)
*pattern-making material like poster board
*sewing pins
*polyester stuffing
*hot glue 
*sewing machine or needles and thread (I did most of the work by hand since the fleece didn't like my sewing machine)

Step 2: Patterns

1. Sole pattern. Make sure to leave plenty of room for seams. Mark your pattern side so you don't end up with two lefts! Cut 2
2. Shoe pattern. This part of the boot covers the foot. Again, make it large enough to allow for seams. Cut 2
3. Eye cylinder base and top. I didn't get a photo of the circle for the top of the eye, but you get the idea. The eye diameter I used was 1.4 inch, so the cylinder rectangle was 4.3 inches by 2 inches (bah math!). If you want to make small eye, adjust as needed. Cut 4 of each
4. Leg pattern. Adjust measurements as necessary for your calf size and desired height of boot. Cut 2

Step 3: Eyes

I started with the eyes first since my cat thought the little pieces were toys. My sewing machine tried to eat the cuddle fleece so I had to hand sew these.

Fold the cylinder side in half  with right sides together and sew. Attach the circle with the wrong side on top and sew. Turn the cylinder inside out.

Step 4: Felting the Eyes

Cut the gold fleece to the same size as the cylinder top and make smaller circles for the pupils. Stuff the inside with a little bit of polyester filling to hold their shape and glue the felt on with hot glue. 

Step 5: Attaching the Shoe to the Sole

Fold the shoe part in half and sew the two ends together. Use this seam as a guide to pin the shoe piece to the heel of the sole, right sides together and sew.

Step 6: Finishing the Upper Boot

Fold the upper boot trapezoid in half and sew the vertical seam with right sides together. Pin the tapered end of the upper boot to the shoe piece and sew. Turn inside out.

Step 7: Finishing Touches

Sew the finished eyes onto the boot (I struggled with finding a good placement, you might want to put the eyes higher on the boot). Add more felt details and some chin tentacles if you so desire.